An application that can be used by employees to record attendance using facial recognition.
The features of the application are,
- Authentication of an employee based on facial recognition and geolocation. The application checks whether the employee is inside the office while recording attendance.
- Registration of employees with face and office geolocation.
- Feature to view attendance recorded by the employee.
- Feature to update the details of employees with certain concerns.
The workflow of the application is as follows,
- Employees should register themself from the office as the current location is captured during registration and further attendance can be made only from this location.
- For employees with work-from-home case scenarios, barcode-based authentication is also provided.
- Employees can log in themself with their email and password.
- Employee can scan their face to mark attendance. The work-from-home option should be enabled through the website by the manager and in such cases, the employee can perform a barcode-based login.
- For in-office employees geolocation is also checked during attendance.
- The employee can check in and check out to record attendance.
- The employee can view his attendance based on the month.
- The employee can also change his data at most once through the application.
Firebase is being used as a database for this application. The schema is,
- Employee collection with auto-generated id. The document in employee has the following values,
"WorkType": "in-office",
"address": "",
"birthDate": "02/28/2023",
"canEdit": false,
"firstName": "hari",
"id": "",
"lastName": "hara sankar",
"lat": 11.4958421,
"lon": 77.2761778,
"password": "12345678"
The password must be stored in an encrypted format. This is just shown for reference, but we can use firebase authentication services to manage users.
- A record sub-collection of the employee collection.
- The record sub-collection will have the date of attendance as the document ID.
- The document has the following value,
"checkIn": "04:11",
"checkInLocation": "BIT-IT Lab, Tamil Nadu, 638401, India",
"checkOut": "04:13",
"checkOutLocation": "BIT-IT Lab, Tamil Nadu, 638401, India",
"date": "March 20,2023 at 4: 13: 00 PM U"
The date is stored as a timestamp in firebase.
Also, enable signIn using email in the authentication section of firebase.
Register your app with the package name com.bytx.attendanceapp
and place the google-services.json
file in the /android/app/