To fullfill the obligations of the LGPL license and since the original source of JPedal ist not available anymore: Here is a fork of the last official [JPedal PDF library] which integrates contributions and bug fixes to the latest available open source version 4.92. Since the author removed the LGPL JPedal version from sourceforge completely ( this page may also act as a reference.
It is worth mentioning that there is a JavaFX version of JPedal called OpenViewerFX also published under LGPL. The code is coming from its JPedal roots but the Swing/AWT GUI has been replaced with JavaFX.
If you would like to contribute you are welcome to do so - just create an issue (with an attached patch) or do a pull request and it will be integrated. This is however no bug reporting or "please fix my bugs" place - for that head over to the JPedal support forum or to Stackoverflow.
Please note that for a sucessfull maven build the local maven .settings configuration needs to be connected to a (central) maven repository.
- moved from the archaic ANT build system to maven
- integrated Borisvl changes and performance improvements of the JBIG2 library
- clean up, upgraded some libraries, java version update to 1.6 ...
- improved performance of PDF to image conversion
- fixed a bug (introduced in JPedal 4.77) which caused signature images in landscape documents to disappear
- fixed a bug which caused bold text to disappear
- upgraded bouncycastle to Version 1.54