eCommerce warranty system using NFTs
NOTE: The sendgrid mail won't work as the key will get exposed over here
Smart contract is in ./client/contracts/NFT_Digital_Warranty.sol
This project is being developed for Flipkart Grid 4.0 2022 program. In this project I have used Non Fungible Token for converting physical warranty into digital ,and various other frameworks to develop user-friendly User Interface for our project .
Client: React, Material UI , Metamask
Server: Node, Express , Sendgrid , IPFS Storage (Pinata Gateway), MongoDB
- Converted ownership authenticity and product warranty cards into decaying NFTs.
- Customers can then use the digital NFT to verify the authenticity of their product, prove their ownership of their product, and transfer ownership of them upon resale.
- NFTs burns once the warranty is over.
- The brand/retailer can tie the digital NFT to its warranty program, allowing owners to track repairs and replacements to the original item.
- Created ERC721 standard NFT.
- Metamask for authentication.
- IPFS to store NFTs
-Email service is provided by sendgrid API (Either we need to deploy our project for the api key to not get exposed and the service to work simultaneously as here on github our secret key will get exposed)
Video Demo Here
Clone the project
git clone
move into client folder and install node dependencies for server side
cd client
npm i
move into server and install node dependencies for server side
cd server
npm i
install react dependencies in client folder
cd ..
cd client
npm i
run node backend in one shell
npm start
run react frontend in other shell
cd ..
cd client
npm start
Kumar Harsh - Shreya Narayan - Aniket Kumar Singh -
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at