This demo requires Helm V3
and jq
to be installed.
Script: Jason O'Donnell - Vault & Kubernetes: Better Together
Run the setup script that installs:
- Vault
- Vault Agent Injector
- CSI Secret Store
- Vault CSI Provider
- PostgreSQL (for example)
minikube start --driver=docker
or minikube start --driver-virtualbox
Vault will automatically init, unseal, load auth methods, load policies and setup roles.
To get the root token or unseal keys for Vault, look in the /tmp
directory in the vault-0
kubectl exec --stdin=true --tty=true vault-0 -n vault -- /bin/sh
cat /tmp/outputs
To access the Vault GUI you have to port-forward 8200. This is best done in a new Terminal Window.
kubectl port-forward vault-0 -n vault 8200:8200
The demo is running in three different namespaces: vault
, postgres
and app
kubectl get pods -n vault
kubectl get pods -n postgres
# App won't have pods running into the examples are started
kubectl get pods -n app
cd ./examples/static-secrets
Observe no secrets/sidecars on the app pod:
kubectl describe pod <name of pod> -n app
kubectl exec -ti <name of app pod> -n app -c app -- ls /vault/secrets
Patch the app:
Observe the secrets at:
kubectl describe pod <name of pod> -n app
kubectl exec -ti <name of app pod> -n app -c app -- ls /vault/secrets
Port forward and open the webpage:
kubectl port-forward <name of app pod> -n app 8080:8080
cd ./examples/dynamic-secrets
Observe no secrets/sidecars on the app pod:
kubectl describe pod <name of pod> -n app
kubectl exec -ti <name of app pod> -n app -c app -- ls /vault/secrets
Patch the app:
Observe the secrets at:
kubectl describe pod <name of pod> -n app
kubectl exec -ti <name of app pod> -n app -c app -- ls /vault/secrets
Port forward and open the webpage:
kubectl port-forward <name of app pod> -n app 8080:8080
cd ./examples/transit
Patch the app:
Observe the secrets at:
kubectl describe pod <name of pod> -n app
kubectl exec -ti <name of app pod> -n app -c app -- ls /vault/secrets
Port forward and open the webpage:
kubectl port-forward <name of app pod> -n app 8080:8080