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Fix Completion document format (#2848)
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* Fix doc display

* Fix doc display

* Add tests

* Fix broken tests

* Remove extra docs

* Rerun tests

* Add spanDocToMarkdown doc

* Fix tests

* Adjust test for broken target

* Fix test

* Fix broken tests

* Unify tests

* Update spanDocToMarkdown doc

Co-authored-by: Pepe Iborra <>
  • Loading branch information
July541 and pepeiborra authored Apr 26, 2022
1 parent b5a37f7 commit 8f1a59c
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Showing 3 changed files with 171 additions and 28 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/Completions/Logic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ mkCompl
where kind = Just compKind
docs' = imported : spanDocToMarkdown docs
imported = case provenance of
Local pos -> "*Defined at " <> pprLineCol (srcSpanStart pos) <> " in this module*\n'"
Local pos -> "*Defined at " <> pprLineCol (srcSpanStart pos) <> " in this module*\n"
ImportedFrom mod -> "*Imported from '" <> mod <> "'*\n"
DefinedIn mod -> "*Defined in '" <> mod <> "'*\n"
colon = if optNewColonConvention then ": " else ":: "
Expand Down
34 changes: 28 additions & 6 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Spans/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ safeTyThingId _ = Nothing
-- Possible documentation for an element in the code
data SpanDoc
= SpanDocString HsDocString SpanDocUris
-- ^ Extern module doc
| SpanDocText [T.Text] SpanDocUris
-- ^ Local module doc
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass NFData

Expand All @@ -76,13 +78,33 @@ data SpanDocUris =
emptySpanDoc :: SpanDoc
emptySpanDoc = SpanDocText [] (SpanDocUris Nothing Nothing)

-- | Convert `SpanDoc` to Markdown format.
-- Return a list `Text` includes haddock, document uri and source code uri,
-- each item can be empty and must end with '\\n' if exist. This is to prevent
-- subsequent render problem caused by the missing newline.
-- Example:
-- For return value ["xxxx","yyyy"], if we concat the list with inserting
-- a separate line(note by "---\n"),
-- it will result "xxxx---\nyyyy" and can't be rendered as a normal doc.
-- Therefore we check every item in the value to make sure they all end with '\\n',
-- this makes "xxxx\n---\nyyy\n" and can be rendered correctly.
spanDocToMarkdown :: SpanDoc -> [T.Text]
spanDocToMarkdown (SpanDocString docs uris)
= [T.pack $ haddockToMarkdown $ H.toRegular $ H._doc $ H.parseParas Nothing $ unpackHDS docs]
<> ["\n"] <> spanDocUrisToMarkdown uris
-- Append the extra newlines since this is markdown --- to get a visible newline,
-- you need to have two newlines
spanDocToMarkdown (SpanDocText txt uris) = txt <> ["\n"] <> spanDocUrisToMarkdown uris
spanDocToMarkdown = \case
(SpanDocString docs uris) ->
let doc = T.pack $ haddockToMarkdown $ H.toRegular $ H._doc $ H.parseParas Nothing $ unpackHDS docs
in go [doc] uris
(SpanDocText txt uris) -> go txt uris
go [] uris = render <$> spanDocUrisToMarkdown uris
go txt uris = init txt <> [render (last txt)] <> (render <$> spanDocUrisToMarkdown uris)
-- If the doc is not end with an '\n', we append it.
render txt
| T.null txt = txt
| T.last txt == '\n' = txt
| otherwise = txt <> T.pack "\n"

spanDocUrisToMarkdown :: SpanDocUris -> [T.Text]
spanDocUrisToMarkdown (SpanDocUris mdoc msrc) = catMaybes
Expand Down
163 changes: 142 additions & 21 deletions ghcide/test/exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ import Ide.PluginUtils (pluginDescToIdePlugin
import Ide.Types
import qualified Language.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as L
import Language.LSP.Types.Lens (workspace, didChangeWatchedFiles)
import qualified Progress
import System.Time.Extra
import Test.Tasty
Expand All @@ -133,7 +134,6 @@ import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))
import Language.LSP.Types.Lens (workspace, didChangeWatchedFiles)

data Log
= LogGhcIde Ghcide.Log
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4615,6 +4615,7 @@ completionTests
, testGroup "package" packageCompletionTests
, testGroup "project" projectCompletionTests
, testGroup "other" otherCompletionTests
, testGroup "doc" completionDocTests

completionTest :: String -> [T.Text] -> Position -> [(T.Text, CompletionItemKind, T.Text, Bool, Bool, Maybe (List TextEdit))] -> TestTree
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5067,7 +5068,7 @@ packageCompletionTests =
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 2 12)
let compls' =
[T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 10 d
[T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 3 d
| CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (CompletionDocMarkup (MarkupContent MkMarkdown d)), _label}
<- compls
, _label == "fromList"
Expand All @@ -5087,7 +5088,7 @@ packageCompletionTests =
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 2 7)
let compls' =
[T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 10 d
[T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 3 d
| CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (CompletionDocMarkup (MarkupContent MkMarkdown d)), _label}
<- compls
, _label == "Map"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5171,7 +5172,7 @@ projectCompletionTests =
compls <- getCompletions doc (Position 1 10)
let compls' =
[T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 10 d
[T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 3 d
| CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (CompletionDocMarkup (MarkupContent MkMarkdown d)), _label}
<- compls
, _label == "anidentifier"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5230,6 +5231,97 @@ projectCompletionTests =
item ^. L.label @?= "anidentifier"

completionDocTests :: [TestTree]
completionDocTests =
[ testSession "local define" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "foo = ()"
, "bar = fo"
let expected = "*Defined at line 2, column 1 in this module*\n"
test doc (Position 2 8) "foo" Nothing [expected]
, testSession "local empty doc" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "foo = ()"
, "bar = fo"
test doc (Position 2 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 2, column 1 in this module*\n"]
, brokenForGhc9 $ testSession "local single line doc without '\\n'" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "-- |docdoc"
, "foo = ()"
, "bar = fo"
test doc (Position 3 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 3, column 1 in this module*\n* * *\ndocdoc\n"]
, brokenForGhc9 $ testSession "local multi line doc with '\\n'" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "-- | abcabc"
, "--"
, "foo = ()"
, "bar = fo"
test doc (Position 4 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 4, column 1 in this module*\n* * *\n abcabc\n"]
, brokenForGhc9 $ testSession "local multi line doc without '\\n'" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "-- | abcabc"
, "--"
, "--def"
, "foo = ()"
, "bar = fo"
test doc (Position 5 8) "foo" Nothing ["*Defined at line 5, column 1 in this module*\n* * *\n abcabc\n\ndef\n"]
, testSession "extern empty doc" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "foo = od"
let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n"
test doc (Position 1 8) "odd" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected]
, brokenForMacGhc9 $ brokenForWinGhc9 $ testSession "extern single line doc without '\\n'" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "foo = no"
let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n* * *\n\n\nBoolean \"not\"\n"
test doc (Position 1 8) "not" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected]
, brokenForMacGhc9 $ brokenForWinGhc9 $ testSession "extern mulit line doc" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "foo = i"
let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n* * *\n\n\nIdentity function. \n```haskell\nid x = x\n```\n"
test doc (Position 1 7) "id" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected]
, testSession "extern defined doc" $ do
doc <- createDoc "A.hs" "haskell" $ T.unlines
[ "module A where"
, "foo = i"
let expected = "*Imported from 'Prelude'*\n"
test doc (Position 1 7) "id" (Just $ T.length expected) [expected]
brokenForGhc9 = knownBrokenFor (BrokenForGHC [GHC90, GHC92]) "Completion doc doesn't support ghc9"
brokenForWinGhc9 = knownBrokenFor (BrokenSpecific Windows [GHC90, GHC92]) "Extern doc doesn't support Windows for ghc9.2"
brokenForMacGhc9 = knownBrokenFor (BrokenSpecific MacOS [GHC90, GHC92]) "Extern doc doesn't support MacOS for ghc9"
test doc pos label mn expected = do
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
compls <- getCompletions doc pos
let compls' = [
-- We ignore doc uris since it points to the local path which determined by specific machines
case mn of
Nothing -> txt
Just n -> T.take n txt
| CompletionItem {_documentation = Just (CompletionDocMarkup (MarkupContent MkMarkdown txt)), ..} <- compls
, _label == label
liftIO $ compls' @?= expected

highlightTests :: TestTree
highlightTests = testGroup "highlight"
[ testSessionWait "value" $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5483,32 +5575,61 @@ xfail :: TestTree -> String -> TestTree
xfail = flip expectFailBecause

ignoreInWindowsBecause :: String -> TestTree -> TestTree
| isWindows = ignoreTestBecause
| otherwise = \_ x -> x
ignoreInWindowsBecause = ignoreFor (BrokenForOS Windows)

ignoreInWindowsForGHC88And810 :: TestTree -> TestTree
| ghcVersion `elem` [GHC88, GHC810] =
ignoreInWindowsBecause "tests are unreliable in windows for ghc 8.8 and 8.10"
| otherwise = id
ignoreInWindowsForGHC88And810 =
ignoreFor (BrokenSpecific Windows [GHC88, GHC810]) "tests are unreliable in windows for ghc 8.8 and 8.10"

ignoreForGHC92 :: String -> TestTree -> TestTree
ignoreForGHC92 msg
| ghcVersion == GHC92 = ignoreTestBecause msg
| otherwise = id
ignoreForGHC92 = ignoreFor (BrokenForGHC [GHC92])

ignoreInWindowsForGHC88 :: TestTree -> TestTree
| ghcVersion == GHC88 =
ignoreInWindowsBecause "tests are unreliable in windows for ghc 8.8"
| otherwise = id
ignoreInWindowsForGHC88 =
ignoreFor (BrokenSpecific Windows [GHC88]) "tests are unreliable in windows for ghc 8.8"

knownBrokenForGhcVersions :: [GhcVersion] -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree
knownBrokenForGhcVersions ghcVers
| ghcVersion `elem` ghcVers = expectFailBecause
| otherwise = \_ x -> x
knownBrokenForGhcVersions ghcVers = knownBrokenFor (BrokenForGHC ghcVers)

data BrokenOS = Linux | MacOS | Windows deriving (Show)

data IssueSolution = Broken | Ignore deriving (Show)

data BrokenTarget =
BrokenSpecific BrokenOS [GhcVersion]
-- ^Broken for `BrokenOS` with `GhcVersion`
| BrokenForOS BrokenOS
-- ^Broken for `BrokenOS`
| BrokenForGHC [GhcVersion]
-- ^Broken for `GhcVersion`
deriving (Show)

-- | Ignore test for specific os and ghc with reason.
ignoreFor :: BrokenTarget -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree
ignoreFor = knownIssueFor Ignore

-- | Known broken for specific os and ghc with reason.
knownBrokenFor :: BrokenTarget -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree
knownBrokenFor = knownIssueFor Broken

-- | Deal with `IssueSolution` for specific OS and GHC.
knownIssueFor :: IssueSolution -> BrokenTarget -> String -> TestTree -> TestTree
knownIssueFor solution = go . \case
BrokenSpecific bos vers -> isTargetOS bos && isTargetGhc vers
BrokenForOS bos -> isTargetOS bos
BrokenForGHC vers -> isTargetGhc vers
isTargetOS = \case
Windows -> isWindows
MacOS -> isMac
Linux -> not isWindows && not isMac

isTargetGhc = elem ghcVersion

go True = case solution of
Broken -> expectFailBecause
Ignore -> ignoreTestBecause
go False = \_ -> id

data Expect
= ExpectRange Range -- Both gotoDef and hover should report this range
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