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Use exact print for suggest missing constraint code actions #1221

merged 11 commits into from
Jan 17, 2021
207 changes: 101 additions & 106 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.GHC.Error
import Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint
import Development.IDE.LSP.Server
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.ExactPrint
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.PositionIndexed
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.Rules
Expand All @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Regex.TDFA (mrAfter, (=~), (=~~))
import Outputable (ppr, showSDocUnsafe)
import Outputable (Outputable, ppr, showSDoc, showSDocUnsafe)
import Data.Function
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.Functor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,20 +92,38 @@ codeAction lsp state (TextDocumentIdentifier uri) _range CodeActionContext{_diag
let text = Rope.toText . (_text :: VirtualFile -> Rope.Rope) <$> contents
mbFile = toNormalizedFilePath' <$> uriToFilePath uri
diag <- fmap (\(_, _, d) -> d) . filter (\(p, _, _) -> mbFile == Just p) <$> getDiagnostics state
(ideOptions, join -> parsedModule, join -> env) <- runAction "CodeAction" state $
(,,) <$> getIdeOptions
(ideOptions, join -> parsedModule, join -> env, join -> annotatedPS) <- runAction "CodeAction" state $
(,,,) <$> getIdeOptions
<*> getParsedModule `traverse` mbFile
<*> use GhcSession `traverse` mbFile
<*> use GetAnnotatedParsedSource `traverse` mbFile
-- This is quite expensive 0.6-0.7s on GHC
pkgExports <- runAction "CodeAction:PackageExports" state $ (useNoFile_ . PackageExports) `traverse` env
localExports <- readVar (exportsMap $ shakeExtras state)
let exportsMap = localExports <> fromMaybe mempty pkgExports
pure . Right $
[ CACodeAction $ CodeAction title (Just CodeActionQuickFix) (Just $ List [x]) (Just edit) Nothing
exportsMap = localExports <> fromMaybe mempty pkgExports
df = ms_hspp_opts . pm_mod_summary <$> parsedModule
actions =
[ mkCA title [x] edit
| x <- xs, (title, tedit) <- suggestAction exportsMap ideOptions parsedModule text x
, let edit = WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit) Nothing
] <> caRemoveRedundantImports parsedModule text diag xs uri

actions' =
[mkCA title [x] edit
| x <- xs
, Just ps <- [annotatedPS]
, Just dynflags <- [df]
, (title, graft) <- suggestExactAction dynflags ps x
, let edit = either error id $
rewriteToEdit dynflags uri (annsA ps) graft
pure $ Right $ actions' <> actions

mkCA :: T.Text -> [Diagnostic] -> WorkspaceEdit -> CAResult
mkCA title diags edit =
CACodeAction $ CodeAction title (Just CodeActionQuickFix) (Just $ List diags) (Just edit) Nothing

-- | Generate code lenses.
:: LSP.LspFuncs c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,6 +170,16 @@ commandHandler lsp _ideState ExecuteCommandParams{..}
| otherwise
= return (Right Null, Nothing)

suggestExactAction ::
DynFlags ->
Annotated ParsedSource ->
Diagnostic ->
[(T.Text, Rewrite)]
suggestExactAction df ps x =
[ suggestConstraint df (astA ps) x

:: ExportsMap
-> IdeOptions
Expand All @@ -169,15 +198,32 @@ suggestAction packageExports ideOptions parsedModule text diag = concat
, removeRedundantConstraints text diag
, suggestAddTypeAnnotationToSatisfyContraints text diag
] ++ concat
[ suggestConstraint pm text diag
++ suggestNewDefinition ideOptions pm text diag
[ suggestNewDefinition ideOptions pm text diag
++ suggestNewImport packageExports pm diag
++ suggestDeleteUnusedBinding pm text diag
++ suggestExportUnusedTopBinding text pm diag
| Just pm <- [parsedModule]
] ++
suggestFillHole diag -- Lowest priority

findSigOfDecl :: (IdP p -> Bool) -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (Sig p)
findSigOfDecl pred decls =
[ sig
| L _ (SigD _ sig@(TypeSig _ idsSig _)) <- decls,
any (pred . unLoc) idsSig

findInstanceHead :: (Outputable (HsType p)) => DynFlags -> String -> [LHsDecl p] -> Maybe (LHsType p)
findInstanceHead df instanceHead decls =
[ hsib_body
| L _ (InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = HsIB {hsib_body}})) <- decls,
showSDoc df (ppr hsib_body) == instanceHead

findDeclContainingLoc :: Position -> [Located a] -> Maybe (Located a)
findDeclContainingLoc loc = find (\(L l _) -> loc `isInsideSrcSpan` l)

suggestRemoveRedundantImport :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestRemoveRedundantImport ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodImports}} contents Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,14 +256,9 @@ caRemoveRedundantImports m contents digs ctxDigs uri
= caRemoveCtx ++ [caRemoveAll]
| otherwise = []
removeSingle title tedit diagnostic = CACodeAction CodeAction{..} where
removeSingle title tedit diagnostic = mkCA title [diagnostic] WorkspaceEdit{..} where
_changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
_title = title
_kind = Just CodeActionQuickFix
_diagnostics = Just $ List [diagnostic]
_documentChanges = Nothing
_edit = Just WorkspaceEdit{..}
_command = Nothing
removeAll tedit = CACodeAction CodeAction {..} where
_changes = Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit
_title = "Remove all redundant imports"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,13 +728,12 @@ suggestSignature isQuickFix Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}
suggestSignature _ _ = []

-- | Suggests a constraint for a declaration for which a constraint is missing.
suggestConstraint :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestConstraint parsedModule mContents diag@Diagnostic {..}
| Just contents <- mContents
, Just missingConstraint <- findMissingConstraint _message
suggestConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)]
suggestConstraint df parsedModule diag@Diagnostic {..}
| Just missingConstraint <- findMissingConstraint _message
= let codeAction = if _message =~ ("the type signature for:" :: String)
then suggestFunctionConstraint parsedModule
else suggestInstanceConstraint contents
then suggestFunctionConstraint df parsedModule
else suggestInstanceConstraint df parsedModule
in codeAction diag missingConstraint
| otherwise = []
Expand All @@ -702,59 +742,43 @@ suggestConstraint parsedModule mContents diag@Diagnostic {..}
let regex = "(No instance for|Could not deduce) \\((.+)\\) arising from a use of"
in matchRegexUnifySpaces t regex <&> last

normalizeConstraints :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
normalizeConstraints existingConstraints constraint =
let constraintsInit = if "(" `T.isPrefixOf` existingConstraints
then T.dropEnd 1 existingConstraints
else "(" <> existingConstraints
in constraintsInit <> ", " <> constraint <> ")"

-- | Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration for which a constraint is missing.
suggestInstanceConstraint :: T.Text -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestInstanceConstraint contents Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint
-- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with no existing constraints.
-- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the instance declaration
-- • In the expression: x == y
-- In an equation for ‘==’: (Wrap x) == (Wrap y) = x == y
-- In the instance declaration for ‘Eq (Wrap a)’
| Just [instanceDeclaration] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "In the instance declaration for ‘([^`]*)’"
= let instanceLine = contents
& T.splitOn ("instance " <> instanceDeclaration)
& head & T.lines & length
startOfConstraint = Position instanceLine (length ("instance " :: String))
range = Range startOfConstraint startOfConstraint
newConstraint = missingConstraint <> " => "
in [(actionTitle missingConstraint, [TextEdit range newConstraint])]

-- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with one or more existing constraints.
-- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- from the context: Eq a
-- bound by the instance declaration at /path/to/Main.hs:7:10-32
-- Possible fix: add (Eq b) to the context of the instance declaration
-- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘x' == y'’
-- In the expression: x == y && x' == y'
-- In an equation for ‘==’:
-- (Pair x x') == (Pair y y') = x == y && x' == y'
| Just [instanceLineStr, constraintFirstCharStr]
<- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "bound by the instance declaration at .+:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"
= let existingConstraints = findExistingConstraints _message
newConstraints = normalizeConstraints existingConstraints missingConstraint
instanceLine = readPositionNumber instanceLineStr
constraintFirstChar = readPositionNumber constraintFirstCharStr
startOfConstraint = Position instanceLine constraintFirstChar
endOfConstraint = Position instanceLine $
constraintFirstChar + T.length existingConstraints
range = Range startOfConstraint endOfConstraint
in [(actionTitle missingConstraint, [TextEdit range newConstraints])]
suggestInstanceConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)]

suggestInstanceConstraint df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint
| Just instHead <- instanceHead
= [(actionTitle missingConstraint , appendConstraint (T.unpack missingConstraint) instHead)]
| otherwise = []
findExistingConstraints :: T.Text -> T.Text
findExistingConstraints t =
T.replace "from the context: " "" . T.strip $ T.lines t !! 1
-- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with no existing constraints.
-- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the instance declaration
-- • In the expression: x == y
-- In an equation for ‘==’: (Wrap x) == (Wrap y) = x == y
-- In the instance declaration for ‘Eq (Wrap a)’
| Just [instanceDeclaration] <- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "In the instance declaration for ‘([^`]*)’"
, Just instHead <- findInstanceHead df (T.unpack instanceDeclaration) hsmodDecls
= Just instHead
-- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with one or more existing constraints.
-- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- from the context: Eq a
-- bound by the instance declaration at /path/to/Main.hs:7:10-32
-- Possible fix: add (Eq b) to the context of the instance declaration
-- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘x' == y'’
-- In the expression: x == y && x' == y'
-- In an equation for ‘==’:
-- (Pair x x') == (Pair y y') = x == y && x' == y'
| Just [instanceLineStr, constraintFirstCharStr]
<- matchRegexUnifySpaces _message "bound by the instance declaration at .+:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"
, Just (L _ (InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl {cid_poly_ty = HsIB{hsib_body}})))
<- findDeclContainingLoc (Position (readPositionNumber instanceLineStr) (readPositionNumber constraintFirstCharStr)) hsmodDecls
= Just hsib_body
| otherwise
= Nothing

readPositionNumber :: T.Text -> Int
readPositionNumber = T.unpack >>> read >>> pred
readPositionNumber = T.unpack >>> read

actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text
actionTitle constraint = "Add `" <> constraint
Expand All @@ -768,8 +792,9 @@ findTypeSignatureLine contents typeSignatureName =
T.splitOn (typeSignatureName <> " :: ") contents & head & T.lines & length

-- | Suggests a constraint for a type signature with any number of existing constraints.
suggestFunctionConstraint :: ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestFunctionConstraint ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}} Diagnostic{..} missingConstraint
suggestFunctionConstraint :: DynFlags -> ParsedSource -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, Rewrite)]

suggestFunctionConstraint df (L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}) Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint
-- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- Possible fix:
-- add (Eq a) to the context of
Expand All @@ -792,43 +817,13 @@ suggestFunctionConstraint ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecl
-- In an equation for ‘eq’:
-- eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'
| Just typeSignatureName <- findTypeSignatureName _message
= let mExistingConstraints = findExistingConstraints _message
newConstraint = buildNewConstraints missingConstraint mExistingConstraints
in case findRangeOfContextForFunctionNamed typeSignatureName of
Just range -> [(actionTitle missingConstraint typeSignatureName, [TextEdit range newConstraint])]
Nothing -> []
| otherwise = []
, Just (TypeSig _ _ HsWC{hswc_body = HsIB {hsib_body = sig}})
<- findSigOfDecl ((T.unpack typeSignatureName ==) . showSDoc df . ppr) hsmodDecls
, title <- actionTitle missingConstraint typeSignatureName
= [(title, appendConstraint (T.unpack $ missingConstraint) sig)]
| otherwise
= []
findRangeOfContextForFunctionNamed :: T.Text -> Maybe Range
findRangeOfContextForFunctionNamed typeSignatureName = do
locatedType <- listToMaybe
[ locatedType
| L _ (SigD _ (TypeSig _ identifiers (HsWC _ (HsIB _ locatedType)))) <- hsmodDecls
, any (`isSameName` T.unpack typeSignatureName) $ fmap unLoc identifiers
let typeBody = dropForAll locatedType
srcSpanToRange $ case splitLHsQualTy typeBody of
(L contextSrcSpan _ , _) ->
if isGoodSrcSpan contextSrcSpan
then contextSrcSpan -- The type signature has explicit context
else -- No explicit context, return SrcSpan at the start of type (after a potential `forall`)
let start = srcSpanStart $ getLoc typeBody in mkSrcSpan start start

isSameName :: IdP GhcPs -> String -> Bool
isSameName x name = showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == name

findExistingConstraints :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
findExistingConstraints message =
if message =~ ("from the context:" :: String)
then fmap (T.strip . head) $ matchRegexUnifySpaces message "\\. ([^=]+)"
else Nothing

buildNewConstraints :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
buildNewConstraints constraint mExistingConstraints =
case mExistingConstraints of
Just existingConstraints -> normalizeConstraints existingConstraints constraint
Nothing -> constraint <> " => "

actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
actionTitle constraint typeSignatureName = "Add `" <> constraint
<> "` to the context of the type signature for `" <> typeSignatureName <> "`"
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions ghcide/test/exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2028,7 +2028,7 @@ addFunctionConstraintTests = let
, ""
, "data Pair a b = Pair a b"
, ""
, "eq :: " <> constraint <> " => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool"
, "eq :: ( " <> constraint <> " ) => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool"
, "eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'"

Expand All @@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ addFunctionConstraintTests = let
[ "module Testing where"
, "data Pair a b = Pair a b"
, "eq "
, " :: " <> constraint
, " :: (" <> constraint <> ")"
, " => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool"
, "eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2082,13 +2082,13 @@ addFunctionConstraintTests = let
, check
"preexisting constraint, with extra spaces in context"
"Add `Eq b` to the context of the type signature for `eq`"
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext "( Eq a )")
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext "(Eq a, Eq b)")
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext "Eq a")
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithExtraCharsInContext "Eq a, Eq b")
, check
"preexisting constraint, with newlines in type signature"
"Add `Eq b` to the context of the type signature for `eq`"
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature "(Eq a)")
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature "(Eq a, Eq b)")
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature "Eq a")
(incompleteConstraintSourceCodeWithNewlinesInTypeSignature "Eq a, Eq b")

removeRedundantConstraintsTests :: TestTree
Expand Down