Tkinter:It comes pre-installed with pyhton Sqlite3:Used as database
Clone or downlod the project files. Run the script create_db() to set up the necessary database python Purpose:Manage course details such as name, duration, changes and description. Actions: Add:Enter course details and click save. Update:Select a course form the list, modify,delete and click update. Delete:Select a course form the list,Click delete. Clear:Reset the form fields. Purpose:Record and maintain student details. Actions:Similar to course managment, allowing adding updating deleting and clearing student data. Purpose:Store and view student's performance Actions:Add or update marks of the students based on their courses. Purpose:Display the total number of Courses Students Results Updates dyanamically Course:Opens the course managment system Student:Opens the student managment system Result:Opens the result managment system View result:Display a deatil reports od results logout:logs out the system Exit:Close the application The system uses SQLite3 to store data:course Table:
cid: Course ID (Primary Key) name: Course name duration: Duration of the course charges: Course charges description: Course description student Table:
roll: Roll number (Primary Key) name: Student name email: Email address gender: Gender dob: Date of Birth contact: Contact number admission: Admission date course: Enrolled course state: State of residence city: City of residence pin: PIN code address: Address result Table:
rid: Result ID (Primary Key) roll: Student roll number name: Student name course: Enrolled course marks_ob: Marks obtained full_marks: Full marks per: Percentage employee Table:
eid: Employee ID (Primary Key) f_name: First name l_name: Last name contact: Contact number email: Email question: Security question answer: Security answer password: Password
Ensure unique course names to avoid duplicates Handle database connections errors gracefully Keep backup of rms.db