SteemCasino is the first Open-Source, based on the Steem Blockchain Casino, where users can compete against other users in: Coinflip, Poker, Blackjack, Jackpot, RPS, Roulette and many more!
Join now at
git clone
cd steemcasino/Transaction Bot
$ npm install mysql
$ npm install request
$ npm install steem
cd steemcasino/Site Bot
$ npm install mysql
$ npm install express
$ npm install http
$ npm install
$ npm install mathjs
$ npm install randomstring
$ npm install sha.js
Import the .sql file into your database
Copy the htdocs folder in your Apache/Xampp/etc
Modify the first lines of Transaction Bot/main.js with your information
var con = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
pass: "",
database: "steemcasino"
var botName = "";
var activekey = "";
Modify the first lines of Site Bot/main.js with your information
var con = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
pass: "",
database: "steemcasino"
Modify htdocs/src/db.php with your database info.
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$database = "steemcasino";
Modify htdocs/src/config.php with your website address and bot name.
$botaccount = "";
$websiteadress = "http://localhost";
Modify htdocs/js/config.js with your website address
var sc2CallbackURL = 'http://localhost/loggedin.php';
Modify htdocs/js/sc2.js with your SteemConnect App Info
app: 'your-app-name-here',
callbackURL: sc2CallbackURL,
scope: ['login'],
Run the transaction bot.
$ node main.js
Start the Apache server.
You're all set up!
GNU Public License v3.0. Copyright SteemCasino