I'm building a RESTful web application that performs CRUD operations to a SQL database through Entity Framework, in "classic" ASP.NET MVC (plus some nice JavaScript libraries) in order to dwelve deeper and more fully understand the foundation ASP.NET Core was built upon and further improve on my web development chops (partly following a great course on Udemy from Mosh Hamedani). The web app is architectured like a Single Page Application (SPA) utilizing ASP.NET Web API (on the server), creating APIs that get "consumed" by jQuery AJAX (on the client). Future updates will work towards implementing client-side Angular 4; all security related authentication and authorization of users is handled by ASP.NET Identity.
The index tables feature sorting, pagination, and search - made easy (and highly customizable) thanks to the DataTables plugin!
When creating a new customer, each form input is validated - either using default ASP validation or custom business rules like shown below!
Make your users think twice before doing something they (maybe) shouldn't - easily customizable prompts using the Bootbox library for jQuery!
It's important to give different users different responsibilites and authorizations - this is taken care of by carefully configuring the app using the ASP.NET Identity framework!
When registering a new object in the database which connects several other objects - Twitter's Typeahead plugin provides auto completion so your user is sure to find and select the right ones!