Crypto-Currencies Trading Framework.
- Author: Daniel J. Umpierrez
- License: LGPL-3.0
- Version: 0.1.2
A Python3 trading framework with some useful features.
- Python 3.6+ (may work on <= 3.5 versions but not tested)
pip install "git+"
pip install cctf
git clone
cd cctf
python install
import cctf
api = cctf.Currency('BTC')
# 0.0343
Project changes over versions.
- New requests dependency
- Some code routines has been simplified
- Many minor fixes
- Modified some classes structure to get closer to 'ccxt' model.
- No dependencies goal achieved and many errors and fixed.
- Added dependency links in "" file.
- Replaced builtin "logging" module by self made "logging4hummans " one.
- Initial version
- Create a ticker model class.
- Create documentation.