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Troubleshooting guide for Wumiibo

Kartik edited this page Jul 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the troubleshooting guide for Wumiibo!

This guide assumes you have the latest build of Luma, Wumiibo and Wumiibohelper installed.

You can always find the latest builds on the respective release pages.

Wumiibo Menu does not show up

There could be a variety of reasons due to which wumiibo menu does not show up. However, it is mostly due to misconfigured luma config. Check for the following things:

  • The very first thing to ensure is that luma is booting from SD and not NAND. To check this, you need to open your luma config by pressing down the SELECT button. There should be a message displayed on the bottom screen which says Booted from SD via B9S.
  • Next on the same screen, check whether Enable Loading external FIRMS and modules is enabled. Incase not, enable it.
  • Press START to save.

X Amiibo which is supported by the game is missing in WumiiboHelper.

  • Open a github issue or ping me on discord.

Incase your issue isn't mentioned in the above page, you can hop on to my discord server and ask for help there!