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ID typescript type #105

Answered by hayes
jamiehodge asked this question in Q&A
Jul 2, 2021 · 1 comments · 1 reply
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I generally re-define it as string like you mentioned, but the default is the way it is because the graphql server implementations (and graphql js itself) allow numbers to be passed through for ids. I like ids always being strings, but its not something that is enforced by default, so if you want it to be type-safe you need to find a way convert your inputs. I've done this a couple different ways, but I don't have a method I feel comfortable recommending. It can be done with a custom girapqhl plugin that wraps resolvers (the way globalId input parsing works in the relay plugin is the closest example I can think of). It can be handled by a custom plugin for your server (apollo and graphql …

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Answer selected by hayes
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This discussion was converted from issue #95 on July 20, 2021 17:48.