Whenever starting a small/medium project it is wise to have some database template because every time you waste time on a task similar to which you have solved in the past you are getting a bit dumber.
Use py pack.py
which will generate single pack.sql
file which will run smoothly on your PostgreSQL server (version >= 11).
Repository is centred around solving user account related tasks and uses stored procedures and triggers for a common challanges. It is divided as a site and admin databases.
User account - users
- When user is record is inserted following happens:
- User profile is created
- User email verification token is generated
- Welcome email is sheduled containing email confirmation token
- When user email is changed:
- New email confirmation token is generated
- Email confirmation token is sent
- Old email is stored in user history
- When password is changed:
- Password change is logged
- When user is record is inserted following happens:
User profile - user_profile
- User profile is created automatically once a record is inserted in users table
User auth session - user_session
- While having auth session tokens in a table is not what you might see in a large projects but for starters it is just right.
User's one time tokens - user_token, user_token_config
- For verifying emails, Recovering passwords, etc
- You issue token, using sql function and validate it using sql function also, there is no need to write extra code everytime you start a new project in a new language.
Sending email and email templates - sendmail, sendmail_template
- As sending mail must be async task and we need it while registering user, regenerating email confirmation token and recovering passwords. A sendmail function is used to send mails (insert into sendmail table). Mail templates are predefined, they include tags which should be replaced before sending email.
User media (For uploading files) - user_media
- You should provide user media like images with static link instead of exposing media_id. To generated static link with an algorithm you need some hashing using image_id and insert_date(something nobody knows) unless they have your database and algorithm.
User history
- Some logging for user account
- Admins - admin
- Admin auth sessions - admin_session
│ │ schema.sql # Creates admin schema
│ │
│ └───tables
│ admin.sql # Admin table
│ admin_session.sql # Admin auth tokens
│ schema.sql # Site schema
│ sendmail.sql # Send mail to user with JSON payload
│ user_email_verify.sql # Verify user email with provided token
│ user_password_update.sql # Update user password during recovery with provided token
│ user_token_generate.sql # Generate new one time token for user and specified type
│ user_token_send.sql # Send token on user email (Email template from user_token_config)
│ user_token_valid.sql # Check if user token is valid and is not expired and is not used
│ user_token_verify.sql # Verify user token and mark as consumed
│ users.sql # The thing
│ user_profile.sql # User profile
│ user_history.sql # User account change history
│ user_activity.sql # User activity grouped log
│ user_media.sql # For uploading images, videos and audio
│ user_session.sql # User auth session
│ user_token.sql # User tokens
│ user_token_config.sql # User token configs
│ sendmail.sql # Sent mails
│ sendmail_template.sql # Email templates where you configure subject, from, email text and etc.
│ debug.sql
user_email_change.sql # Send new email confirmation email
user_profile_create.sql # Create user profile after users table insert