Automation scripts to package Hazelcast Management center as DEB, RPM or Homebrew package.
- To install Hazelcast via a package manager your system must support either yum, apt or Homebrew.
- JRE 8+ is required.
This version is suitable for most users of Hazelcast Management Center. When unsure, use this version.
You can find the Debian packages for Hazelcast Management Center at Hazelcast's Debian repository. Run the following commands to install the package using apt:
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install hazelcast-management-center
The RPM packages for Hazelcast Management Center are kept at Hazelcast's RPM repository. Please run the following commands to install the package using yum/dnf:
wget -O hazelcast-rpm-stable.repo
sudo mv hazelcast-rpm-stable.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install hazelcast-management-center
To install with Homebrew, you first need to tap the hazelcast/hz
repository. Once you’ve tapped the repo, you can use brew install
brew tap hazelcast/hz
brew install hazelcast-management-center
Use default commands of your package manager to perform the upgrade of the installed hazelcast-management-center
sudo apt update
sudo apt install hazelcast-management-center
sudo yum update hazelcast-management-center
brew install hazelcast-management-center
After adding the repository run the following to install e.g.
version 5.0.1
sudo apt install hazelcast-management-center=5.0.1
To keep the particular version during apt upgrade
hold the package at
the installed version by running the following:
sudo apt-mark hold hazelcast-management-center
After adding the repository run the following to install e.g.
version 5.0.1
sudo yum install hazelcast-management-center-5.0.1
To keep the particular version during yum update
hold the package at
the installed version by running the following:
sudo yum -y install yum-versionlock
sudo yum versionlock hazelcast-management-center
Run the following to install e.g. version 5.0.1
brew install hazelcast-management-center@5.0.1
You need to replace stable
with snapshot
in the
repository definition to use Hazelcast Management Center snapshots.
Run the following to install the latest snapshot version:
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb snapshot main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install hazelcast-management-center
You need to replace stable
with snapshot
in the
repository definition to use Hazelcast Management Center snapshots.
Run the following to install the latest snapshot version:
wget -O hazelcast-snapshot-rpm.repo
sudo mv hazelcast-snapshot-rpm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install hazelcast-management-center
You need to add snapshot
suffix to the package version when
installing a snapshot.
Run the following to install the latest 6.0-SNAPSHOT
brew tap hazelcast/hz
brew install hazelcast-management-center@6.0.snapshot
Search for available versions using the following command:
brew search hazelcast-management-center
After successful installation the commands from Hazelcast Management
Center distribution bin
directory should be on path.
Run the following command to start a Hazelcast Management Center with the default configuration:
hz-mc start
To see additional options, run the following:
hz-mc start --help
NOTE: hz-mc
command is not available in versions 5.0-5.0.4, use
from the installation directory instead (this file is not
linked to /usr/bin/
because of likely conflicts).