Objective-C Runtime bindings for Zig..
NOTE: I don't have any plans to work on this within the near future. Archiving for reference.
Provides thin API bindings with a little added type-safety and error handling
Also provides higher-level wrappers to make working with the objc runtime a little bit nicer
NOTE: This is for working with the runtime API, user-friendly bindings to Apple Frameworks are not provided by this library but may be built on top. For bindings to Apple's C libraries, see https://github.com/kubkon/ZigKit
WARNING: In early development. Does not yet have full API coverage and needs more testing. The higher-level APIs, i.e. defineAndRegisterClass
are very WIP as there are some things to be worked out regarding memory management. Open to suggestions and issues and PRs are most welcome.
NOTE: Currently uses translate-c on the objective-c headers that are vendored with Zig. It's perhaps better not to rely on these and replace with extern definitions?
const objc = @import("zig-objcrt");
const NSInteger = c_long;
const NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular: NSInteger = 0;
var application: objc.id = undefined;
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const NSObject = try objc.getClass("NSObject");
const NSApplication = try objc.getClass("NSApplication");
application = try objc.msgSendByName(objc.id, NSApplication, "sharedApplication", .{});
const AppDelegate = try objc.defineAndRegisterClass(
.{ "applicationDidFinishLaunching:", applicationDidFinishLaunching },
const app_delegate = try objc.new(AppDelegate);
try objc.msgSendByName(void, application, "setDelegate:", .{app_delegate});
try objc.msgSendByName(void, application, "run", .{});
pub fn applicationDidFinishLaunching(_: objc.id, _: objc.SEL, _: objc.id) callconv(.C) void {
objc.msgSendByName(void, application, "setActivationPolicy:", .{NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular}) catch unreachable;
objc.msgSendByName(void, application, "activateIgnoringOtherApps:", .{true}) catch unreachable;
std.debug.print("Hello from Objective-C!\n", .{});