The old Eli:Sa transformation only supports ONIX 2.1 this repo introduces a transformation for ONIX 3.0 to MARC XML with Metafacture
The input files are ONIX 3.0. Find examples in test/input
. In test/examples
you can finde input and output of the old transformation.
provides the transformation from Onix to Marc.
are workflows to analyse the input and the output data.
For the transformations Metafacture is used.
You need the current runner of metafacture fix release:
Paths in the following CLI commands may need to be adjusted.
$ '/path/to/your/metafix-runner-1.1.2/bin/metafix-runner' 'transformOnixToMarc.flux'
e.g. $ '/path/to/your/metafix-runner-1.1.2/bin/metafix-runner' 'analyseOnixPaths.flux'
TODO: TO fill out
- Add single issues for each transformation.
- Adjust
for each purpose - Run test
- Commit and push changes of transformation and tests, open PR if good
- Review by Verbund-Gruppe