Combine Mac Dictation with a GUI in your browser to write code by voice command.
Try it in your browser:
Steps to use it:
- Click in the textbox.
- Start up Mac Dictation (default: press the Fn key twice).
- Say (or type) something like "computer show commands please" (try speaking slowly with clear breaks between words).
To locally run a copy of the code files from your computer, you need to save at least interface.html, brain.js, and style.css in the same folder, and open up interface.html in a web browser.
Mac Dictation —> interface.html’s inputStr’s oninput —> brain.js’s (parseCommand —> checkValidCommand —> identifyCommand —> runCommand) —> interface.html’s outputStr
(style.css is for the styles applied to different elements in interface.html, including important properties like hidden/visibility, opacity of overlapping elements, formatting, etc.)