MoodleVM is a virtual machine for Moodle!
You need ansible and the roles in ansible/requirements.txt. Install them like this:
$ ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/requirements.txt
Like this:
# Github
github_access_token: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
# Mandatory Moodle params
moodle_db_name: moodle
moodle_db_username: moodle
moodle_db_password: moodle
moodle_location: /srv/moodle
moodle_version: 2.8
moodle_dataroot: /srv/moodledata
# Optional parameters if using a fresh install
moodle_adminuser: root
moodle_adminpass: root
moodle_fullname: "Moodle Virtual Machine"
moodle_shortname: "MoodleVM"
moodle_summary: "A virtual machine for developing Moodle."
# Optional parameters if doing a DB import
moodle_db_import: "/vagrant/database/seed.sql"
# If you want to get Moodle from git, specify the tag
moodle_tag: v2.8.5
# Local moodle plugins
# Type of plugin (example "block", "auth", "enrol", etc)
- type: enrol
# Location of the plugin relative to ansible
location: ../plugins/enrol_ldap_group
- type: block
location: ../plugins/block_someblock
# Moodle plugins from or github
# This is an example of a plugin from
- name: block_rss_plus
shortname: rss_plus
url: ""
# Where to put the plugin
destination: blocks
# This is an example of a plugin hosted on github
- name: theme_vision
shortname: vision
url: ""
destination: theme
# Optional, defaults to HEAD
tag: v1.0.2
service: github
# An Example of a plugin hosted on a github private repo
- name: local_mycoplugin
shortname: mycoplugin
url: ""
destination: local
service: github
tag: v1.0.0
# Your github personal access token. I'll use mine from above...
auth: "{{ github_access_token }}"
# Patches to apply to the Moodle installation. The "patches" folder is supplied
# and ignored by .gitignore as a convenient place to put the patch files. The
# Path is relative to the ansible directory.
- src: ../patches/mod_forum_lib.php.patch
dest: "{{ moodle_location }}/mod/forum/lib.php"
# Apache
apache_user: www-data
apache_group: www-data
$ vagrant up