Healenium-Appium example demos java project to test both web app and native apps using Appium.
Support: Android Web, Android native app, IOS Web.
NOT Support: IOS native app.
Unfortunately, Healenium-Appium doesn't support IOS native apps at present. But we plan to release to support IOS apps in the near future.
Clone Healenium repository:
git clone https://github.com/healenium/healenium.git
Setup appium server and device. And install our android app: /resource/apps/#-form.apk
Before run healenium you have to specify appium server host and port using appropriate environment variables of hlm-proxy container: APPIUM_SERVER_URL
Example setup hlm-proxy's env variables in case of local Appium server (specified by default):
- APPIUM_SERVER_URL=http://host.docker.internal:4723/wd/hub
Run Healenium with Appium only
docker-compose -f healenium/docker-compose-appium.yaml up -d
Run example tests
mvn clean test