- virtual machine environment
- docker
- fabric binaries
- Download the vagrant environment
and extract the file to obtain the vagrant machine directory. - Navigate to the directory and run
vagrant up
. - After the VM is up, run
vagrant ssh
, this will connect your terminal to the Ubuntu VM via CLI that we will be using for interacting with our environment. (Keep atleast 4 terminals open). - The necessary identities that are required to put up a network are already created, only use the CA client to add new users to the network.
- Run the
scripts in the orderer and peer directory
in the peer directory.
- The CA server must be running in order to register and enroll new identities to the network.
$ export FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME=/vagrant/demoforlab/ca/multi-org-ca/server
$ fabric-ca-server start
- The CA server must be running in order to register and enroll new identities to the network.
$ cd demoforlab/orderer/multi-org-ca/
$ ./
$ ./
# ./
- Following commands show how to run a peer node and join the healthcare channel.
$ cd demoforlab/peer/multi-org-ca/
$ . healthcare peer1 7050 admin
$ ./
$ ./
$ ./ healthcare peer1 7050
- Now switch to another terminal connected to the vagrant machine.
$ . healthcare peer1 7050 admin
$ ./
- The CA server must be running in order to register and enroll new identities to the network.
- Only the healthcare-admin is capable of adding users with the custom attributes that shows association with a user.
$ cd demoforlab/ca/multi-org-ca/
$ . healthcare admin
- Available affiliations : "healthcare.patient", "healthcare.staff", "healthcare.others", "research", "thirdparty".
$ fabric-ca-client register <enrollment-ID> --id.type user --id.affiliation <appropriate affiliation> --id.secret <enrollment-secret> --id.attrs <dataOwner#>=<#level>:ecert
$ . setclient <org-name> <enrollment-ID>
$ fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://<enrollment-ID>:<enrollment-secret>
- Example
$ fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://dataOwner1:pw@localhost:7054
- Here "dataOwner1" is the enrollment-id and "pw" is the enrollment secret.