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How To: Email only #
This guide will show you how to remove the password inputs from your registration page, in favor of asking users to enter a password in the confirmation step. Now clicking the link in the confirmation email will take the user to a webpage that asks them to set their password.
This customization is often used:
- When you want a gradual engagement experience where your users are asked to provide minimal information at each step of your registration process.
- When you create accounts on your users' behalf, for example when clients contact you.
This is the easiest approach. It simply modifies the confirmation action to redirect the user to the existing Devise view to set a password. A previous approach is described below, but is not recommended. A more complex approach, which is more customizable, is described in another article.
- If you haven't already, enable the confirmable module
- If you haven't already, follow the Devise instructions for configuring views
- Remove the
inputs from your views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb - Override the Devise definition of
in your model:protected def password_required? confirmed? ? super : false end
- Tweak the language in views/devise/passwords/edit.html.erb by changing:
- the page title from "Change your password" to "Set your password"
- the submit button value from "Change my password" to "Set my password"
- If you haven't already, follow the Devise instructions for configuring controllers specifically for ConfirmationsController
- Override the Devise definition of
in your ConfirmationsController:protected def after_confirmation_path_for(resource_name, resource) token = resource.send(:set_reset_password_token) edit_password_path(resource, reset_password_token: token) end
- Add a test in your model to catch any changes in Devise's behavior in the future (because
is a protected method):describe '#set_reset_password_token' do it 'returns the plaintext token' do potential_token = subject.send(:set_reset_password_token) potential_token_digest = Devise.token_generator.digest(subject, :reset_password_token, potential_token) actual_token_digest = subject.reset_password_token expect(potential_token_digest).to eql(actual_token_digest) end end
- Follow the steps above except the final 2
- Override the Devise definition of
in your ConfirmationsController:protected def after_confirmation_path_for(resource_name, resource) token = resource.send(:generate_reset_password_token) edit_password_url(resource, reset_password_token: token) end
- Add a test in your model to alert you to any changes in Devise's behavior in the future (because
is a protected method):describe '#generate_reset_password_token' do it 'returns the plaintext token' do potential_token = subject.send(:generate_reset_password_token) actual_token = subject.reset_password_token expect(potential_token).to eql(actual_token) end end
If you want to change where your user is redirected after setting their password, override the Devise definition of after_resetting_password_path_for
in your PasswordsController:
def after_resetting_password_path_for(resource)
If a user does not set a password after clicking the confirmation link (unlikely but possible), they simply have no password and cannot log in. They cannot re-use the confirmation link - their confirmation is now complete - so they must use the "Forgot your password?" link to trigger a password reset email. In that case, the Devise recoverable
module must be enabled.
Note: An account is considered confirmed when a user clicks the confirmation link, regardless of whether the user sets a password after clicking the link. If you would rather ignore attempts to confirm unless the user provides a password, look at the other approach.
This approach is more complex than the one described above, and was not designed for the latest versions of Devise or Rails. It is considered deprecated and appears here for historical reasons.
With this approach, if the user does not set their password, they are not confirmed - they must set their password in order to confirm their account.
With this approach, you can also keep the default Devise # where a new user enters both an email and password (so the user has the option to set a password at registration or confirmation). In that case, just skip the first step.
Note: if you use multiple user resource tables (like :clients and :admins) see the example at the bottom.
(This technique was first documented by Claudio Marai. The following steps combine Claudio's example code with code contributed in the comments section of his post and updates everything for Devise 2. NOTE: This is for Rails 3 and Devise ~> 2.0. The following view code uses formtastic and haml gems because they make the code cleaner, with less typing. See simple_form for another easy way to create forms.)
This step is optional: This modification allows a user to # with only their email address. Skip this step if you're only interested in allowing admins to create users with only an email address.
You want to make it easy for new users to # -- just ask for their email address and not worry about passwords for now. That's the "gradual engagement" approach!
%h2 #. All we need is your email address.
= semantic_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => user_registration_path(resource)) do |form|
= devise_error_messages!
= form.inputs do
= form.input :email, :input_html => {:autofocus => true}
= form.actions do
= form.action :submit, :label => "#"
= render 'shared/links'
In this view, we ask the new user to create a password and confirm it. We embed the confirmation_token in a hidden input field so that the controller will receive it. (We'll explain the confirm_path in a later step):
%h2 You're almost done! Now create a password to securely access your account.
= semantic_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => confirm_path) do |form|
= devise_error_messages!
= form.inputs do
= form.input :password, :input_html => {:autofocus => true}
= form.input :password_confirmation
= form.input :confirmation_token, :as => :hidden
= form.actions do
= form.action :submit, :label => 'Confirm Account'
For Rails 4/Devise 3:
%h2 You're almost done! Now create a password to securely access your account.
= semantic_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => confirm_path) do |form|
= devise_error_messages!
= form.inputs do
= form.input :password, :input_html => {:autofocus => true}
= form.input :password_confirmation
= form.input :confirmation_token, :as => :hidden, :input_html => { :value => @original_token }
= form.actions do
= form.action :submit, :label => 'Confirm Account'
We need a convenient way to test that :password_confirmation matches :password and report any errors. We also need to overwrite Devise's #password_required? method so the user can # without specifying a password. So in your model, add these public methods:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def password_required?
super if confirmed?
def password_match?
self.errors[:password] << "can't be blank" if password.blank?
self.errors[:password_confirmation] << "can't be blank" if password_confirmation.blank?
self.errors[:password_confirmation] << "does not match password" if password != password_confirmation
password == password_confirmation && !password.blank?
Create a new controller app/controllers/confirmations_controller.rb to overwrite Devise's #show. If the user is already confirmed, they are only confirming a change in email address so call super. And do you remember calling #confirm_path in the #show view? The #confirm method will be called when the user submits the form. But we'll only confirm the user if :password matches :password_confirmation, otherwise re-render the #show view so the user can try again.
Calling super
if the user is already confirmed makes the first step (above) optional and only needed if you want a "gradual engagement" sign-up.
class ConfirmationsController < Devise::ConfirmationsController
def show
self.resource = resource_class.find_by_confirmation_token(params[:confirmation_token]) if params[:confirmation_token].present?
super if resource.nil? or resource.confirmed?
def confirm
self.resource = resource_class.find_by_confirmation_token(params[resource_name][:confirmation_token]) if params[resource_name][:confirmation_token].present?
if resource.update_attributes(params[resource_name].except(:confirmation_token)) && resource.password_match?
self.resource = resource_class.confirm_by_token(params[resource_name][:confirmation_token])
set_flash_message :notice, :confirmed
sign_in_and_redirect(resource_name, resource)
render :action => "show"
For Rails 4/Devise 3: Strong attributes will require permit
, so be sure to include the passed parameters on the update_attributes
class ConfirmationsController < Devise::ConfirmationsController
def show
if params[:confirmation_token].present?
@original_token = params[:confirmation_token]
elsif params[resource_name].try(:[], :confirmation_token).present?
@original_token = params[resource_name][:confirmation_token]
self.resource = resource_class.find_by_confirmation_token Devise.token_generator.
digest(self, :confirmation_token, @original_token)
super if resource.nil? or resource.confirmed?
def confirm
@original_token = params[resource_name].try(:[], :confirmation_token)
digested_token = Devise.token_generator.digest(self, :confirmation_token, @original_token)
self.resource = resource_class.find_by_confirmation_token! digested_token
resource.assign_attributes(permitted_params) unless params[resource_name].nil?
if resource.valid? && resource.password_match?
set_flash_message :notice, :confirmed
sign_in_and_redirect resource_name, resource
render :action => 'show'
def permitted_params
params.require(resource_name).permit(:confirmation_token, :password, :password_confirmation)
Finally, tell Devise about the new controller and its #confirm action. (Notice the pluralized resource name in the #devise_for method call and the singular resource name in the #devise_scope method call):
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:confirmations => 'confirmations'}
devise_scope :user do
put "/confirm" => "confirmations#confirm"
For Rails 4 with Devise 3 use patch "/confirm" => "confirmations#confirm"
Here's an example for multiple resources, which is why we use resource
and resource_name
and resource_class
in the confirmations controller. We use named routes so Devise can detect the different resource scopes and use the same confirmations controller.
First, the routes:
devise_for :clients, :controllers => {:confirmations => 'confirmations'}
devise_for :admins, :controllers => {:confirmations => 'confirmations'}
devise_for :supervisors, :controllers => {:confirmations => 'confirmations'}
devise_scope :client do
put "/clients/confirm" => "confirmations#confirm", :as => :client_confirm
devise_scope :admin do
put "/admins/confirm" => "confirmations#confirm", :as => :admin_confirm
devise_scope :supervisor do
put "/supervisors/confirm" => "confirmations#confirm", :as => :supervisor_confirm
You have to create app/views/clients/registrations/new.html.haml, app/views/admins/registrations/new.html.haml, and app/views/supervisor/registrations/new.html.haml templates.
Next, the #show view (we just change the confirm_path helper call):
%h2 You're almost done! Now create a password to securely access your account.
= semantic_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => send(:"#{resource_name}_confirm_path")) do |form|
= devise_error_messages!
= form.inputs do
= form.input :password, :input_html => {:autofocus => true}
= form.input :password_confirmation
= form.input :confirmation_token, :as => :hidden
= form.actions do
= form.action :submit, :label => 'Confirm Account'