I am from Chile, currently a student of Programming. I’m passionate about backend development, mobile development and QA testing, always eager to learn and work on personal projects.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: I enjoy playing video games, reading comics, doing freestyle rap, and going out with friends and my girlfriend! 🎮🎤📖
I studied Law and transitioned to programming after working as a freelance lawyer. Now, I enjoy solving digital problems, learning new technologies, debugging, and creating web and desktop experiences for diverse users.
Universidad Alberto Hurtado Law Graduate |
Instituto Profesional San Sebastián Technical in Programming |
Oracle with Alura Latam (Bootcamp) ONE program student |
- Programming Languages
JavaScript |
Java |
- Databases
PostgreSQL |
SQL Server |
Hibernate |
Flyway |
- Web Development
Bootstrap |
Vite |
- Backend Development
Spring Boot |
Node.js |
- QA Testing
- Mobile Development
Git |
Linux |
IntelliJ IDEA |
NetBeans |
VS Code |
Jira |
Postman |
Laragon |
DBeaver |
SQL Server Management Studio |
Jest |
Cypress |
TypeScript |
React |
Playwright |
React Native with Expo |
JUnit |
Mockito |
TestNG |
Gherkin y Cucumber |
Selenium |
Karate Framework |
Docker |
Jenkins |
SonarQube |