- default style

- customized left text (default is

- customized left text with a space between words

- customzied color(RGB colors see also #6)

RGB colors eg: #595959 needs to be %23595959 in the URL
(left_color=red, right_color=green)
- customized color and left text

(left_color=red, right_color=green, left_text=HelloVisitors)
- customized color and a space between words in left text

(left_color=red, right_color=green, left_text=Hello%20Visitors)
- Only query the counter state without updating it #7

- format unit of count (default is
) #4

- 2022.09.20
- add new parameters: format
- 2022.06.14
- add new parameters: query_only
- 2020.07.19
- Daily data backup: Perform data backup and push to GitHub warehouse at 0 o 'clock per day
- 2020.07.18
- You can use parameter 'title' to change badge's title!
tips: The title Poor compatibility to chines
Official: link
pybadges uses a pre-calculated table of text widths and kerning distances (for western glyphs) to determine the size of the badge. So Eastern European languages may be rendered less well than Western European ones:
and glyphs not present in Deja Vu Sans (the default font) may be rendered very poorly:
pybadges does not have any explicit support for languages that are written right-to-left (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew) and the displayed text direction may be incorrect:
- 2020.07.17
- Change count-api to my own service, optimize the counting speed.
- It facilitates later functions (data analysis, data backup, etc.)
jwenjian: https://github.com/jwenjian/visitor-badge