A sample project to bootstrap all scala/spark project with multiple sbt modules.
Please change the module names, dependencies, project settings accordingly.
Files to change: build.sbt, ProjectSettings, Dependencies and Versions (if needed).
- Publish the artifact to GitHub Packages
- Uses LazyLogging from Lightbend
- Uses HOCON format for configuration file
- Uses scopt to parse command line arguments
- sbt-scalafmt
- sbt-assembly
- sbt-dynver
- sbt-docker
create file : nano ~/.sbt/1.0/.credentials
realm=GitHub Package Registry
then run publish
in sbt
Run the tests with enabled coverage:
sbt clean test
To generate the coverage reports run
sbt coverageReport
By default, scoverage will generate reports for each project separately. You can merge them into an aggregated report by using the following:
sbt coverageAggregate
NOTE: You do not need to run coverageReport before coverageAggregate
- Add a spark streaming example
- Add test mocking kafka
- Add a spark cassandra example
- Add test mocking cassandra
- Add Coveralls support
- Add sbt-docker
- Add CICD example