Releases: hemeac/kiwiTechTree
Releases · hemeac/kiwiTechTree
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.4.0
Warning! The 2.0 Major Release will break saves, this one should be save game safe
- Part Upgrades are now color-coded green for easier identification (Special Thanks to Freethinker)
- Removed patch that adds 1 kerbuck to part upgrades as that is now redundant
- Eased transition of save games to Kiwi Tech Tree (Thanks to Freethinker)
- Support for SimpleAdjustableFairings-KWRocketry (Thanks evileye.x for the patch)
- Fixed Swivel ASL ISP (Thanks antilochus for logging issue)
- Fixed bug causing spontaneous combustion of Kerbals if mods add ElectricCharge to Kerbals (Thanks WLLP for logging issue)
- Adds MechJeb Config (Thanks Clamp-O-Tron for the PR)
- Disables Fuel Tank Upgrades if Configurable Containers is installed (Thanks DeadJohn for logging issue)
- Nerfed Cheetah and Wolfhound engines ISP from Making History (Thanks Darherring (Discord) for logging issue)
- Added partial support for KerbalAtomicsLH2NTRModSupport (still requires fix in Kerbal Atomics for full compatibility, will still result in an error if run together) (Thanks Flart and WLLP for logging issue)
- Added JNSQ Science Param Config (Thanks Kwebib for logging issue)
- Fixed support for Commnet Antennas Extensions (Thanks Flart for PR)
- Fixed xmitScalar on two science experiments in Interkosmos (Thanks Flart for PR)
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.3.0
Warning! The 2.0 Major Release will break saves, this one should be save game safe
- Added Support for Blue Steel, Tantares, and TantaresSP (TantaresLV will come after the next major release)
- Converted EVA propellant to MonoPropellant for KIS and US2 EVA packs when Kerbalism is installed (thanks Kerbalism discord user Snoman for suggestion)
- Moved Knes Calypso fuel tank to Large Volume Containment
- Lowered ISP of several stock engines slightly
- Lowered RCS ISP of Hachimach Control Unit in Knes (thanks Clamp-O-Tron)
- Moved air launch availability for KCT earlier in the Tech Tree and added descriptions about capabilities in tech tree descriptions (thanks Clamp-O-Tron for original pull request and discussion in KCT for recommendation in adding description)
- Clarified names of structural and fuel tank upgrades in part descriptions and indicated branch for Probe SAS Upgrades (recommended by forum user Majk)
- Moved Spad Engine to start for AirplanePlus
- Moved several Kerbalism experiments from LTech, Interkosmos, and Coatl Aerospace to a general framework that will be also compatible with TantaresSP and BDB (the latter when I add support)
- Added toggle to disable stock and making history engines from converting to LH2 if CryoEngines is installed (Suggestion from flart)
- Adjusted science points in hard mode for DMagic Orbital Science (thanks flart)
- Adjusted science points and more parts should have their xmitDataScalar properly supported. Note: You may see some slight changes to available science.
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.2.0
- Adjusted stock aircraft parts to generally appear earlier in the tree; includes Breaking Ground rotors and propellers (thanks for feedback from discord user PhilippeDS)
- Added limited Community Parts Titles compatibility (see Github for details)
- Fixed Mk-16 Parachute placed in non-existent node (Thanks to Github user: d4harp)
- Added more Engine Ignitor compatibility (Thanks to Clamp-O-Tron)
- Added support for Kerbal Atomics Extras Patch, NTRsUseLF (thanks to dylsh for identifying issue)
- Actually fixed compatibility with Smart Docking Aid Update (thanks to flart for identifying issue)
- Fixed missing entry costs for upgrades in Tundra Exploration
- Added a difficulty setting in KiwiConfig.cfg to add variation in science points required to unlock nodes in the tech tree
- Added a difficulty setting in KiwiConfig.cfg to lower the science acquired for unkerballed experiments (similar to PBC) (Thanks to flart for suggestion)
- Added toggles in KiwiConfig.cfg to disable various upgrade systems in KTT. An example patch is available in the Extras folder
- Added correct NEEDS to KDEX science experiment for Coatl Aerospace
- Rebalanced costs for a couple of parts in SSPX
- Fixed issue for Stock and Making History Engine Upgrades when Cryo Engines installed without ReStock (Thanks for discord user Revan Tiberius for identifying issue)
- Added 1 kerbucks to upgrades to make it easier to identify in the tech tree (Thanks to flart for suggestion)
- Confirmed support for Rational Resources 1.13.0 and Deep Sky Core 3.1.0
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.1.0
- Added Asset Mk1, Stock TKS, Tundra Exploration/Technologies Support
- Better Bureaucracy support in CustomBarnKit config
- Fixed incorrect FOR passes in various Kerbalism configs leading to potential conflicts with patches when Kerbalism was not installed.
- Added improved compatibility between Engine Ignitor and Kerbalism (Will require a hot patch in KerbalismConfig, see forum for details)
- Confirmed continued support for updates in Conformal Decals, Modular Launch Pads, Smart Docking Aid
Behind the scenes: - Standardized cold gas thruster upgrades when Rational Resources installed
- Added additional engine upgrade configurations
Kiwi Tech Tree
- Added Version File
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.0.1
- Added Airplane Kuisine, Beamed Power Plugin, Deep Sky Core, Missing Robotics, StarLink Satellite, XingYun 2 Support
- Moved incorrectly placed relay satellite in NFE
- Moved KAL 1000 controller one tier earlier in the tech tree
- Updated Template.xlsx to add Beamed Power Branch
- Fixed incorrectly formatted entryCost in Mk3 Expansion Wing Segments which caused several log exceptions
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.0.0
- Added Arc Aerospace Wyvern Support
- Fixed MAH and BDB Compatibility for real
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.0.0 Release Candidate 2
- Some cost rebalancing in Stock, Open Cockpit, Luciole, Knes, AirplanePlus, CRE
- Fixed duplicate atmosphere curves in Knes engines (added by me)
- Added missing upgrades to parts in Near Future Construction and incorrect tech node for part in US2
Kiwi Tech Tree 1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
- Completed structured upgrades for parts for supported mods
- Added location of upgrades for parts for easier navigation of tree
- Add parts and support for new KSP 1.10 Parts (Only light testing done)
- Add support for mods with updates that have added/changed parts: Rational Resources, Mk1 Stockalike Open Cockpit
Kiwi Tech Tree 0.9.7
- General Upgrade System framework implemented
- Upgrade for parts updated in about 1/3 of supported mods
- Engine Ignitor Configs courtesy of @Clamp-o-Tron
- Bug fixes for BDB and Kerbalism