Whenever you need filters on your API's endpoints, this package gives you a nice and simple interface that allows you to add filters without the need of a thousand parameters passed to your methods or writing SQL queries inside your controllers.
This comes with support for Laravel. If you'd like to contribute for other frameworks, see Contributing.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require henzeb/query-filter-builder
See here for Laravel specific usage.
In your controller you may build up something like this, based on parameters given by the user of your application.
use Henzeb\Query\Filters\Query;
$filter = (new Query())
(new Query)
(new Query)
->is('animal', 'cat')
->less('age', 10)
(new Query)
->is('animal', 'dog')
->between('age', 5, 7)
)->in('disease', 'diabetes', 'diarrhea')
Building the query using Laravel's query builder, can be done as such:
use DB;
use Henzeb\Query\Illuminate\Builders\Builder;
$query = DB::table('patients')
->where('vet_id', 1);
$filter->build(new Builder($query));
This would result in the following query:
select *
from `patients`
where `vet_id` = ?
and (
(`animal` = ? and `age` < ?)
(`animal` = ? and `age` between ? and ?)
and `disease` in (?, ?)
limit 50 offset 50
Note: a query filter can never start with or
. This prevents data-leak
situations where one could get for example all records of it's own or the
dogs from another veterinarian:
select * from `patients` where `vet_id` = ? or `animal` = ?
Where one could get all records of it's own or the dogs from another veterinarian.
You can also create your own filters in case you need something specific.
When building with Laravel, your custom filter could look like this:
use Henzeb\Query\Illuminate\Filters\Contracts\Filter;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder as IlluminateBuilder;
class OwnerCountFilter implements Filter
public function __construct(private int $count)
public function build(EloquentBuilder|IlluminateBuilder $builder): void
select count(1)
from `owners_patients`
where `owners_patients`.`patient_id` = `patients`.`id`
) = ?',
You can then call it like this:
use Henzeb\Query\Filters\Query;
use App\Filters\YourCustomFilter;
$filter = (new Query)->filter(OwnerCountFilter(1));
Which would result in a query like this:
select *
from `patients`
where `vet_id` = ?
and (
select count(1)
from `owners_patients`
where `owners_patients`.`patient_id` = `patients`.`id`
) = ?
Simply implement the Henzeb\Query\Builders\Contracts\QueryBuilder
The custom filters approach might feel a bit strange. You must create your
own custom filter interface, as the default
interface does not have any
See Henzeb\Query\Illuminate\Builders\Builder
for an example on proxying in
order to enable your IDE's typehinting.
If you have a better approach, please let me know or submit a pull-request.
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email henzeberkheij@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
The GNU AGPLv. Please see License File for more information.