Welcome to our GitHub organization. This organization has been created for the purposes of the capstone project at Bangkit Academy. Our capstone group ID is CH2-PS059, and our team is named 'Heptavators.' 'Hepta' signifies seven, representing the number of team members, while 'vators' stands for innovators
Name | Bangkit ID | Learning Path | University |
Farhan Rivaldy | C270BSY3044 | Cloud Computing | Universitas Mulia |
Alfizdiana Sholikhah | C006BSX3816 | Cloud Computing | Universitas Brawijaya |
Jordan Marcelino | M315BSY0093 | Machine Learning | Universitas Sriwijaya |
Ahmad Rusdianto Andarina Syakbani | M116BSY0745 | Machine Learning | Institut Teknologi Kalimantan |
Muhammad Fathurrohim | M116BSY1249 | Machine Learning | Institut Teknologi Kalimantan |
Archie Dylan Ramadhan | A116BSY2329 | Mobile Development | Institut Teknologi Kalimantan |
Heru Aryasuta | A251BSY2081 | Mobile Development | Universitas Malikussaleh |
Our GitHub repository is currently private. If it enters the judging process, we will change it to public. Thank you.