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Multiple environments

iwhurtafly edited this page Feb 6, 2013 · 1 revision

Every Heroku app runs in at least two environments: on the Heroku platform (we'll call that production) and on your local machine (development). If more than one person is working on the app, then you've got multiple development environments -- one per machine, usually. Usually, each developer will also have a test environment for running tests or specs.

The point of all this separation is to keep changes from breaking things. You write code and check the site in development, but you run your tests in the test environment to keep them from overwriting your development database. Similarly, you might have broken features in your development environment most of the time, but you only deploy working code to production.

Unfortunately, this approach breaks down as the environments become less similar. Windows and Macs, for instance, both provide different environments than the Linux stack on Heroku, so you can’t always be sure that code that works in your local development environment will work the same way when you deploy it to production.

The solution is to have a staging environment that is as similar to production as is possible. This can be achieved by creating a second Heroku application that hosts your staging application. With staging, you can check your code in a production-like setting before having it affect your actual users. As you already deploy with git, setting up and managing these multiple remote environments is easy.

Starting from scratch

Say you've already got an application on your local machine, and you're ready to push it to Heroku. We’ll need to create both remote environments, staging and production. To get in the habit of pushing to staging first, we’ll start with it:

$ heroku create --remote staging
Creating strong-river-216.... done |
Git remote staging added
If you forget the `--remote` flag, you can always rename the default `heroku` remote later with `git remote rename <old> <new>`.

By default, the heroku CLI creates projects with a heroku git remote (thus the normal git push heroku master). Here, we're specifying a different name with the --remote flag, so pushing code to Heroku and running commands against the app look a little different than the normal git push heroku master:

$ git push staging master
$ heroku run rake db:migrate --remote staging
$ heroku ps --remote staging
=== web: `bundle exec thin start -p $PORT -e production`
web.1: up for 21s

Once your staging app is up and running properly, you can create your production app:

$ heroku create --remote production
Creating fierce-ice-327.... done |
Git remote production added
$ git push production master
$ heroku run rake db:migrate --remote production
$ heroku ps --remote production
=== web: `bundle exec thin start -p $PORT -e production`
web.1: up for 16s
You will need to do some work to keep these apps in sync as you continue to develop them. You'll need to add **contributors**, **config vars**, and **add-ons** to each individually, for instance.

And with that, you've got the same codebase running as two separate Heroku apps -- one staging and one production, set up identically.

In the example heroku commands above we've specified the target app using the --remote option. In the course of your normal work, however, you may tire of always typing either --remote staging or --remote production at the end of every command. To make things easier, you can use your git config to specify a default app. For example, if you wanted "staging" do be your default remote, you could set it with the following command:

$ git config heroku.remote staging

This will add a section to the project's .git/config file that looks something like this:

  remote = staging

Once this is set up, all heroku commands will default to the staging app. To run a command on the production app, simply use the --remote production option.

Managing staging and production configurations

Many languages and frameworks support flipping a development/production switch. For example, when in development mode, you may use a different database, have increased logging levels, and send all emails to yourself instead of to end users.

You typically want to do this for the staging apps. For example, in Ruby you can set the RACK_ENV and RAILS_ENV for your staging app (you'll also need a config/environments/staging.rb file to make this work, of course.):

$ heroku config:add RACK_ENV=staging RAILS_ENV=staging --remote staging

The services and libraries that your application uses may also need their own configuration variables set, mirroring those on production. For example, you may use a different S3 bucket in development than you do on production, so you will use different values for the keys:

$ heroku config:add S3_KEY=XXX --remote staging
$ heroku config:add S3_SECRET=YYY --remote staging

Starting with a production app

If you’ve already got an app in production and want to add a staging environment, you can use a shortcut to simplify the process:

Be careful to avoid adding whitespace to the add-on list for create, they should be separated by commas without any spaces.
:::term $ heroku addons ...list of addons $ heroku create --remote staging --addons newrelic:standard,loggly:mole,...

If you pass a comma-separated list of your production app’s add-ons with the --addons flag for heroku create, each will be added to your new staging app automatically.

When creating a staging app for an existing production app, we also recommend copying over the production database. The PGBackups add-on is a very efficient tool for doing that, even in its free version.

Advanced: Linking local branches to remote apps

It’s simple to type git push staging master and git push production master when you’ve followed the steps above. Many developers like to take advantage of git’s branches to separate in-progress and production-ready code, however. In this sort of setup, you might deploy to production from your master branch, merging in changes from a development branch once they’ve been reviewed on the staging app. With this setup, pushing is a littler trickier:

$ git push staging development:master

This command tells git that you want to push from your local development branch to the master branch of your staging remote. (It might look a little disorderly, but there's a lot more going on - take a look at the git book for a very in-depth exploration of refspecs.)

If you want to simplify your git commands, you can make things easier by forcing your local git branches to track your remote applications. Assuming you’ve got git remotes for staging and production, you can do the following:

If you want to set `push.default` for all git repositories (instead of just this one), add `--global` to the command.
$ git config push.default tracking
$ git checkout -b staging --track staging/master
Branch staging set up to track remote branch master from staging.
Switched to a new branch 'staging'

Now, you're in the staging branch and you’re set up so that git pull and git push will work against your staging environment without any further arguments. Change some code, commit it, and push it up:

$ git commit -a -m "changed code"
$ git push
Counting objects: 11, done.

Notice that you said git push, not git push staging staging:master. The push.default setting is what makes this possible; with that set to tracking, your local branches will automatically push changes to the remote repositories that they track.

If you'd like your local master branch to point to your production remote (and you're running git 1.7 or later), you can do the following:

$ git fetch production
$ git branch --set-upstream master production/master

And with that, git push from master will update your production app on Heroku.

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