Solving Flood it like puzzles via z3.
Requires a local installation of z3 to be present.
cargo build --release
The final binary can be found at ./target/{release,debug}/color-flood-rs
Usage: color-flood-rs [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
opt Use z3 optimizer to find minimal solution
min Find minimal solution by binary search in reasonable bounds
search Find minimal solution by binary search in bounds
exact Find solution with exact size
solve Find solution with reasonable large size
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--print-asserts Print assert in SMT-LIB format
--dry-run Only create asserts but don't solve
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
To show further information about the different modes and their options
color-floor-rs <COMMAND> --help
can be used.
Solving is achieved through multiple SMT formulas over the theory of linear integer
Construction of formulas, as well as dispatching them to z3 is done at
./src/ Note that z3 uses z3-sys, which utilizes z3
as a dynamic library. Therefore, no additional process is created when dispatching a formula to
the solver.
Dependent on the run mode, the following number of assertions will be made:
: every color must me in valid rangeC
: every two consecutive colors must be differentN
: every cluster must be flooded at lastC
: the start cluster must be flooded at all timesN
: no cluster other than the start cluster must be flooded at the startN*C
: Every flooded cluster implies, that it is also flooded at t+1N*C
: Every unflooded cluster must be flooded if a neighbour is flooded and its color was chosenN*C
: No unflooded cluster must be flooded if no neighbour is flooded or its color was not chosen- If running in optimization mode:
: the number of points in time where all clusters are flooded gets maximized, else1
: at least one cluster must not be flooded at t_max-1 whereC
is the solution length (= number of colors) andN
is the number of clusters, which has an upper bound equal to the number of tiles in the problem
This sums up to O(N*C)
assertions being made.
The following runtimes are measured against one instance of each size each, which was extracted from this website. This times should be taken with caution because show a narrow view of real world performance. In general it advisable to manually give an upper bound when possible to improve search time.
Problem size | solve mode |
min mode |
opt mode |
14x14 | 0.4s | 0.6s | 0.7s |
18x18 | 5.5s | 16s | 10s |
20x20 | 13s | 2h | >3h |
Further documentation can be build and viewed via
cargo doc --open
Problem instances must be formatted as ASCII text, where each line, separated by a newline character,
denotes a row of the problem's grid and every character must be in the ASCII range [48,57].
Colors must be encoded as gapless sequence of ASCII chars starting from 48, such that n
are decoded by ASCII chars [48,48 + n - 1] respectively.
Example of problem w/ size 6 x 6 using three colors:
Some example instances can be found at instances.