English | ä¸ć–‡
Opentelemetry for Hertz
- Out-of-the-box default opentelemetry provider
- Support setting via environment variables
- Support server and client hertz http tracing
- Support automatic transparent transmission of peer service through http headers
- Support hertz http metrics [R.E.D]
- Support service topology map metrics [Service Topology Map]
- Support go runtime metrics
- Extend hertz logger based on logrus
- Implement tracing auto associated logs
import (
// ...
hertztracing "github.com/hertz-contrib/obs-opentelemetry/tracing"
func main() {
serviceName := "echo"
p := provider.NewOpenTelemetryProvider(
defer p.Shutdown(context.Background())
tracer, cfg := hertztracing.NewServerTracer()
h := server.Default(tracer)
// ...
import (
// ...
hertztracing "github.com/hertz-contrib/obs-opentelemetry/tracing"
func main(){
serviceName := "echo-client"
p := provider.NewOpenTelemetryProvider(
defer p.Shutdown(context.Background())
c, _ := client.NewClient()
// ...
import (
hertzlogrus "github.com/hertz-contrib/obs-opentelemetry/logging/logrus"
func init() {
You need to configure the tracing middleware in the above example at the same time. If you do not need to report the tracing, you can refer to issue
h.GET("/ping", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
req := &api.Request{Message: "my request"}
resp, err := client.Echo(c, req)
if err != nil {
hlog.CtxDebugf(c, "message received successfully: %s", req.Message)
ctx.JSON(consts.StatusOK, resp)
{"level":"debug","msg":"message received successfully: my request","span_id":"445ef16484a171b8","time":"2022-07-04T06:27:35+08:00","trace_flags":"01","trace_id":"e9e579b32c9d6b0598f8f33d65689e06"}
Below is a table of HTTP server metric instruments.
Name | Instrument Type | Unit | Unit | Description |
http.server.duration |
Histogram | milliseconds | ms |
measures the duration inbound HTTP requests |
http.server.request_count |
Counter | count | count |
measures the incoming request count total |
Below is a table of HTTP client metric instruments.
Name | Instrument Type (*) | Unit | Unit (UCUM) | Description |
http.client.duration |
Histogram | milliseconds | ms |
measures the duration outbound HTTP requests |
http.client.request_count |
Counter | count | count |
measures the client request count total |
The RED Method defines the three key metrics you should measure for every microservice in your architecture. We can calculate RED based on http.server.duration
the number of requests, per second, you services are serving.
eg: QPS
sum(rate(http_server_request_count_total{}[5m])) by (service_name, http_method)
the number of failed requests per second.
eg: Error ratio
sum(rate(http_server_request_count_total{status_code="Error"}[5m])) by (service_name, http_method) / sum(rate(http_server_request_count_total{}[5m])) by (service_name, http_method)
distributions of the amount of time each request takes
eg: P99 Latency
histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(http_server_duration_bucket{}[5m])) by (le, service_name, http_method))
The http.server.duration
will record the peer service and the current service dimension. Based on this dimension, we can aggregate the service topology map
sum(rate(http_server_request_count_total{}[5m])) by (service_name, peer_service)
Name | Instrument | Unit | Unit (UCUM)) | Description |
process.runtime.go.cgo.calls |
Sum | - | - | Number of cgo calls made by the current process. |
process.runtime.go.gc.count |
Sum | - | - | Number of completed garbage collection cycles. |
process.runtime.go.gc.pause_ns |
Histogram | nanosecond | ns |
Amount of nanoseconds in GC stop-the-world pauses. |
process.runtime.go.gc.pause_total_ns |
Histogram | nanosecond | ns |
Cumulative nanoseconds in GC stop-the-world pauses since the program started. |
process.runtime.go.goroutines |
Gauge | - | - | measures duration of outbound HTTP Request. |
process.runtime.go.lookups |
Sum | - | - | Number of pointer lookups performed by the runtime. |
process.runtime.go.mem.heap_alloc |
Gauge | bytes | bytes |
Bytes of allocated heap objects. |
process.runtime.go.mem.heap_idle |
Gauge | bytes | bytes |
Bytes in idle (unused) spans. |
process.runtime.go.mem.heap_inuse |
Gauge | bytes | bytes |
Bytes in in-use spans. |
process.runtime.go.mem.heap_objects |
Gauge | - | - | Number of allocated heap objects. |
process.runtime.go.mem.live_objects |
Gauge | - | - | Number of live objects is the number of cumulative Mallocs - Frees. |
process.runtime.go.mem.heap_released |
Gauge | bytes | bytes |
Bytes of idle spans whose physical memory has been returned to the OS. |
process.runtime.go.mem.heap_sys |
Gauge | bytes | bytes |
Bytes of idle spans whose physical memory has been returned to the OS. |
runtime.uptime |
Sum | ms | ms |
Milliseconds since application was initialized. |
The sdk of OpenTelemetry is fully compatible with 1.X opentelemetry-go. see
maintained by: CoderPoet
Library/Framework | Versions | Notes |
go.opentelemetry.io/otel | v1.9.0 | |
go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace | v1.9.0 | |
go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric | v0.31.0 | |
go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/runtime | v0.30.0 | |
hertz | v0.4.1 |