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Code for generating the SLED dataset, as described in the "Learning to Estimate Two Dense Depths from LiDAR and Event Data" article


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The Synthetic LiDAR Events Depths (SLED) Dataset

Dataset teaser (day)
Dataset teaser (night)

This repository holds the code to generate the Synthetic LiDAR Events Depths (SLED) dataset, as described in the "Learning to Estimate Two Dense Depths from LiDAR and Event Data" article. If you use this code as part of your work, please cite:

  title={Learning to Estimate Two Dense Depths from LiDAR and Event Data},
  author={Vincent Brebion and Julien Moreau and Franck Davoine},
  booktitle={Image Analysis},
  publisher={Springer Nature Switzerland},

Parts of this code were originally inspired by the one of the Cooperative Driving Dataset (

Downloading the dataset

If you do not wish to regenerate the dataset, you can download it directly from the following webpage.



Note: we recommend using micromamba ( as a lighter and much faster alternative to conda/miniconda.
However, you can safely replace micromamba by conda in the following commands if you prefer!

First of all, install CARLA (version 0.9.14) and its additional assets by following the official documentation ( and

Then, to install the CARLA client library and our dependencies, create a micromamba environment as follows:

micromamba create --name sled
micromamba activate sled
micromamba install python=3.8 matplotlib opencv tqdm -c conda-forge
pip3 install -U carla==0.9.14

Tweaking NumPy's data compression

Generating the full dataset without compression will result in a size on disk between 1.5 and 1.6 TB. In order to save some space, we save generated data as a compressed version, resulting in a size on disk between 500 and 600 GB.

However, when trying to save data with compression enabled in NumPy, a default high compression level is used, which is very time-consuming.

Therefore, following this issue, we encourage you to change the compression level to a lower value.
To do so, as this feature is not currently natively supported in NumPy, you will need to manually modify the numpy/lib/ file (in our case, this file was located in ~/micromamba/pkgs/numpy-1.24.1-py38hab0fcb9_0/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/lib/

Once found, replace the following line:

zipf = zipfile_factory(file, mode="w", compression=compression)


zipf = zipfile_factory(file, mode="w", compression=compression, compresslevel=1)

We use here a compression level of 1, as higher compression levels are much more time consuming and do not reduce dataset size by much.

Generating the dataset

In order to generate the dataset, you first need to launch the CARLA simulator. In a first terminal, navigate to the install location of CARLA, and use the following command:

./ -RenderOffScreen -nosound

Once done, you can then launch the full dataset generation (in a second terminal):

micromamba activate sled
python3 --seeds data/seeds_sled.csv --outfolder data/

Note: this will generate the full dataset on all maps. If you need to split it into train/val/test sets, you must do it manually by moving the files in separate folders after they are generated, and by duplicating the metadata.csv file in each folder and only keeping the correct entries in each of them.

Note: CARLA tends to crash quite often, so check regularly the progress of the dataset generation!
After a crash, simply relaunch the simulator and the dataset generation script (all already recorded sequences will be automatically skipped).

Visualizing the data

If you wish to visualize a sequence (either one you generated or one you downloaded), you can use the following command:

micromamba activate sled
python3 path/to/recording.npz

It should open four windows, displaying the LiDAR point clouds, events, ground truth depths, and RGB images.

Dataset format

Each sequence is recorded as a compressed .npz NumPy file, which can be loaded as follows:

import numpy as np
sequence = np.load("path/to/file.npz", allow_pickle=True)

Each sequence contains 4 distinct data arrays, for the events, LiDAR point clouds, RGB images, and depth images.


Event data can be accessed as follows:

events_with_ts = sequence["events"].copy()

events_with_ts is a NumPy array of shape (N_ep, 2), where N_ep is the number of event packets in the array, and where 2 indicates two dimensions:

  • the first dimension contains the event-based data, where each of the N_ep packets contains N_e events, each with the following data:
    • x: x pixel coordinate, saved as a np.uint16;
    • y: y pixel coordinate, saved as a np.uint16;
    • t: timestamp of the event, saved as a np.int64;
    • pol: polarity of the event, saved as a bool;
  • the second dimension contains the timestamps (in seconds) at which the data was produced in CARLA (for synchronization with the other sensors), expressed as floats.

For instance, if you want to read the polarity of the very first event in the sequence, you can use the following code:

# Detailed
first_event_packet = events_with_ts[0, 0]
first_event_in_the_packet = first_event_packet[0]
polarity = first_event_in_the_packet["pol"]

# Or in short
polarity = events_with_ts[0, 0][0]["pol"]

And if you want to read the CARLA timestamp of the first event packet:

carla_ts = events_with_ts[0, 1]

LiDAR point clouds

LiDAR data can be accessed as follows:

lidar_clouds_with_ts = sequence["lidar_clouds"].copy()

lidar_clouds_with_ts is a NumPy array of shape (N_lp, 2), where N_lp is the number of LiDAR point clouds in the array, and where 2 indicates two dimensions:

  • the first dimension contains the LiDAR-based data, where each of the N_lp point clouds contains N_l LiDAR points, each with 4 float32 elements:
    • the first one is the x position;
    • the second one is the y position;
    • the third one is the z position;
    • the fourth and final one is the intensity of the point (in the [0.0, 1.0] range);
  • the second dimension contains the timestamps (in seconds) at which the data was produced in CARLA (for synchronization with the other sensors), expressed as floats.

For instance, if you want to read the z position of the very first LiDAR point in the sequence, you can use the following code:

# Detailed
first_lidar_cloud = lidar_clouds_with_ts[0, 0]
first_point_in_the_cloud = first_lidar_cloud[0]
z_pos = first_point_in_the_cloud[2]

# Or in short
z_pos = lidar_clouds_with_ts[0, 0][0][2]

RGB images

RGB data can be accessed as follows:

rgb_images_with_ts = sequence["rgb_images"].copy()

rgb_images_with_ts is a NumPy array of shape (N_i, 2), where N_i is the number of RGB images in the array, and where 2 indicates two dimensions:

  • the first dimension contains the RGB data, where each of the N_i images is a NumPy array of type np.uint8 and of shape (H, W, 4) (4 because images are saved with the BGRA format);
  • the second dimension contains the timestamps (in seconds) at which the data was produced in CARLA (for synchronization with the other sensors), expressed as floats.

For instance, if you want to read the green value of the top left pixel of the very first image in the sequence, you can use the following code:

# Detailed
first_image = rgb_images_with_ts[0, 0]
top_left_pixel = first_image[0, 0]
green_component = top_left_pixel[1]

# Or in short
green_component = rgb_images_with_ts[0, 0][0, 0, 1]

Depth images

Depth data can be accessed as follows:

depth_images_with_ts = sequence["depth_images"].copy()

depth_images_with_ts is a NumPy array of shape (N_d, 2), where N_d is the number of depth images in the array, and where 2 indicates two dimensions:

  • the first dimension contains the depth data, where each of the N_d depth images is a NumPy array of type np.uint8 and of shape (H, W, 4) (4 because images are saved with the BGRA format)

    • be careful, depth data is encoded over the RGB channels of the image, and can be recovered as follows:

      depth_in_meters = 1000 * ((R + G * 256 + B * 256 * 256) / (256 * 256 * 256 - 1))
  • the second dimension contains the timestamps (in seconds) at which the data was produced in CARLA (for synchronization with the other sensors), expressed as floats.

For instance, if you want to read the depth value of the top left pixel of the very depth image in the sequence, you can use the following code:

# Get the depth image
depth_image = depth_images_with_ts[0, 0]

# Convert the image to a single channel image with float32 values (depths in meters)
depth_image = depth_image.astype(np.float32)
depth_image = ((depth_image[:, :, 2] + depth_image[:, :, 1]*256.0 + depth_image[:, :, 0]*256.0*256.0)/(256.0*256.0*256.0 - 1))
depth_image *= 1000

# Get the value for the top left pixel
depth_val = depth_image[0, 0]

Code details

The code was developed so as to be as simple and as clean as possible. Each file and each function was properly documented, so do not hesitate to take a look at them!


Code for generating the SLED dataset, as described in the "Learning to Estimate Two Dense Depths from LiDAR and Event Data" article






