Library untuk TriPay (Payment Gateway Lokal Indonesia) menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP versi 7 dan database MariaDB
install with composer
$ composer require hexageek1337/tripay-library
manual install with git
$ git clone
$ cd TriPay-Library-main
$ cp lib/Tripay.php your_application_folder
- Pertama registrasi akun tripay terlebih dahulu, bisa melalui link
- Dapatkan API Key dan Private Key pada menu Merchant
- Kemudian pada file
atur koneksi database mysql Anda di$this->dbH = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "bs");
- Lalu perhatikan juga pada file
, Sesuaikan dengan kondisi database Anda - Anda bisa melihat contoh menggunakan library ini di folder
// URLs Channel
public $URL_channelPs = '';
public $URL_channelPp = '';
public $URL_channelMs = '';
public $URL_channelMp = '';
// URLs Calculator
public $URL_calcMs = '';
public $URL_calcMp = '';
// URLs Transaction
// Create
public $URL_transMs = '';
public $URL_transMp = '';
public $URL_transOpenMs = '';
public $URL_transOpenMp = '';
// Detail Close Sistem
public $URL_transDetailMs = '';
public $URL_transDetailMp = '';
// Detail Open Sistem with uuid
public $URL_transDetailOpenMs = '';
public $URL_transDetailOpenMp = '';
public $URL_transPembOpenMs = '';
public $URL_transPembOpenMp = '';
Denny Septian Panggabean