Project - Twitch Chat Bot for Ravenfall
Very early days, work in progress chat bot written in node for the game Ravenfall. For more information, see the following;
Game Client Releases:
Game Website:
Note: The '!' is dependant on the prefix in the config, if you change that, your commands will start with that instead.
- Joins the game!!leave
- Leaves the game!
!train <skill name>
- Train a skill of your choosing - See skills below.!traininfo
- Show what you are currently training!raid
- Join the raid, will you win?!!stats
- Shows your current stats!stats <skill>
- Shows information for a specific stat!res
- Show your current resources!
- Get on the boat! - Provide an island name to try and sail!ferryleave
- Get off the boat!travel <destination>
/sail <destination>
- See the world, travel to a different island
- Toggle your helmet on/off!togglepet
- Toggle through all of your pets, awwww
!kick <playername>
- Will attempt to kick the player from the game
!observe <username>
- Observe a specific player
- Start an in game boss raid! Raaawr!!raid <username>
/!raidwar <username>
- Start a raid war against another streamer!
- With the account you want to use as your twitch chat bot, generate a token at this link.
- Edit
- Example below; - Run
npm install
- Run
npm run start
Example config.json
// Command prefix for the twitch chat.
"prefix": "!",
// The username of the bot account for twitch chat
"botUsername": "superbot_3000",
// The token generated in step 1, including the 'oauth'
"botToken": "oauth:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
// The channel the bot will be running in, i.e the streamer username
"twitchChannel": "streamer_name"
npm run build
will transpile the project as it makes use of ES6 functionality.npm run start
will run the build command, and then start the bot.