OTCDDK means "Other Tone Core DSP Development Kit". It was enginered in order to permit develop DSP algorithms in other platforms such linux or Windows.
- install git
- if you want to compile dsp codes:
- download "make" from "https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/files/"
- install "make" - downloaded above - into git mingw directory (mine is under C:\Program Files\Git\mingw32)
- clone https://github.com/hgamal/OTCDDK.git
- start git bash session under cloned directory
$ ./bin/tcddk-ctl
usage: ./tcddk-ctl [list|monitor|set_debug|upload_dsp]
$ cd dsp-code/TwoBandStereoEQ
$ make
$ ./bin/cld2hex cld-exemples/TwoBandStereoEQ.cld
$ ./bin/tcddk-ctl upload_dsp cld-exemples/TwoBandStereoEQ.hex
Upload size=1101 (367 words)
Upload Checksum=e557
Upload size=1107
Upload Checksum=cba14
1107 bytes transfered
$ ./bin/tcddk-ctl monitor
0024: p0=000, p1=000, p2=000, p3=000, p4=000, p5=000, s0=0, s1=0, tb=0, bb=0, gl=0, rl=0, dbg0=000000, dbg1=000000, dbg2=000000, dbg3=000000
p0-p6: Potentiometer positions - values from 0 to 255
s0-s1: Switches - values from 0, 1 and 2 (left, mid rigth)
tb-bb: Top and Botton Switches - values 0 and 1
gl-rl: Leds (green and red) - values 0 and 1
dbg0 - dbg1: debug variables 24 bit resolution
not available yet
# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/27-line6.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="0e41", ATTR{idProduct}=="4154", SYMLINK+="tcddk-%k", GROUP="line6"
# udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger
It is needed in order to compile tcddk-ctl.
Download libraries and sources from http://libusb.info/
In order to make tcddk-ctl work, the Tone COre Developer Line6 Interface must to be associated to Microsoft Winusb.sys. The follow these instructions to load the driver:
- Plug in your device to the host system
- Open Device Manager and locate the device
- Right-click the device and select "Update driver software"
- from the context menu. In the wizard, select "Browse my computer" for driver software
- Select "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"
- From the list of device classes, select "Universal Serial Bus devices"
- The wizard displays WinUsb Device. Select it to load the driver.
bmRequestType: 0xc0, bRequest: 67, wValue: 0x0000, wIndex: 0 (0x0000), wLength: 6
return 6 bytes: c0:00:cf:ff:06:00
bmRequestType: 0x40, bRequest: 65, wValue: 0x0000, wIndex: 0 (0x0000), wLength: 12, Data Fragment: 800001800002800003800004
bmRequestType: 0x40, bRequest: 99, wValue: 0xc000, wIndex: (c000, c200, c400, c600, c800, ca00, cc00, ce00) wLength: 1, Data Fragment: 00
bmRequestType: 0xc0, bRequest: 105, wValue: 0x0000, wIndex: 0 (0x0000), wLength: 1
return 1 byte: 01 == success
bmRequestType: 0x40, bRequest: 97, wValue: start, wIndex: end, wLength: len, Data Fragment: bytes to program
return 1 byte: 01 == success
bmRequestType: 0xc0, bRequest: 66, wValue: {sum}, wIndex: 0 (0x0000), wLength: 1
return 1 byte: 01 == success
bmRequestType: 0xc0, bRequest: 64, wValue: 0x0000, wIndex: 0 (0x0000), wLength: 24
return 64 bytes: pots, switches, buttons and debug variables