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Search by all region

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@hideokamoto hideokamoto released this 28 Mar 06:39
· 2 commits to master since this release

We can list your all regions functions by the following command.

$ lfs -R nodejs6.10 -r all -p static
Search condition: Runtime === nodejs6.10
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : ap-northeast-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : ap-northeast-2
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : ap-south-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : ap-southeast-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : ap-southeast-2
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : us-west-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : us-west-2
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : ca-central-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : us-east-2
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : eu-west-3
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : eu-west-2
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : eu-north-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : eu-west-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : sa-east-1
=== Matched Functions: 0 / 0 ===
Region : eu-central-1
=== Matched Functions: 1 / 52 ===
Region : us-east-1


$ npm i -g lambda-function-search@latest


$ npm i -g lambda-function-search@0.5.0