Easily setup distributed Elixir on Hop!
This package so far contains one strategy, ClusterHop.Strategy.Deployment
, which uses the Hop
API to find all containers running under one deployment.
It will then attempt to register each container via the container internal IPs to each node.
Currently, this isn't available on Hex.pm, but in the meantime you can get it straight from GitHub like so:
defp deps do
# ... your other deps
{:libcluster, "~> 3.3"},
github: "hiett/libcluster_hop", ref: "6e3a00d2e8e8ea0388135d8c000b999536021909"} # (this is current stable ref)
Create a project token with manage deployments permissions.
This token is used to get all the containers in a deployment from the Hop API.
Here's an example of what a barebones Application file would look like:
defmodule HopTestapp do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
IO.puts("Starting test app")
topologies = [
hop: [
strategy: ClusterHop.Strategy.Deployment,
config: [
hop_token: "ptk_xxx",
app_prefix: "my_amazing_app" # Optional, defaults to "app"
children = [
{Cluster.Supervisor, [topologies, [name: HopTestapp.ClusterSupervisor]]}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: HopTestapp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Fill in the hop_token
and optionally app_prefix
Libcluster Hop will automatically find the internal container IP (starts with 10.1.x.x), and form a nodename in the
following format: app_prefix@internal_ip
You need to set this because Elixir will automatically attempt to start the application in distributed mode upon creation of a release. However, this will have the incorrect nodename, because internal IPs aren't instantly available to containers on Hop.
Libcluster Hop will start the node itself when it has obtained the IP and formed a nodename.
You're all good to go. All containers inside a deployment will now be linked together.