(English follows Japanese)
- CMake (>= 2.6)
- g++ または clang または Visual C++(C++11に対応したもの)
$ ./scripts/set_build_dir.pl build/
$ cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./scripts/japanese.analyze.pl
今日 名詞-副詞可能 名詞-副詞可能 * * 今日-キョウ キョウ キョー 今日 キョウ キョー
は 助詞 助詞-係助詞 * * は-ハ ハ ワ は ハ ワ
いい 形容詞-自立 形容詞-自立 基本形 形容詞・イイ いい-イイ イイ イイ いい イイ イイ
天気 名詞 名詞-一般 * * 天気-テンキ テンキ テンキ 天気 テンキ テンキ
です 助動詞 助動詞 基本形 特殊・デス です-デス デス デス です デス デス
ね 助詞 助詞-終助詞 * * ね-ネ ネ ネ ね ネ ネ
。 記号-句点 記号-句点 * * 。-* * * 。 * *
- 表記
- 簡易品詞(resources/pos_table_ipadic.tsv 2列目に記載)
- 品詞(resources/pos_table_ipadic.tsv 1列目に記載)
- (用言のみ)活用形(resources/cforms.tsv 2列目に記載)
- (用言のみ)活用タイプ(resources/cforms.tsv 1列目に記載)
- 代表形(「表記-読み」形式)
- 読み
- 発音
- 原形表記(非用言の場合、表記と同じ)
- 原形読み(非用言の場合、読みと同じ)
- 原形発音(非用言の場合、発音と同じ)
- 読み
- 発音
- 品詞(resources/pos_table_ipadic.tsv 1列目に記載)
- 活用タイプ(resources/cforms.tsv 1列目に記載。非用言の場合は"*")
- 表記
- 代表形(「表記-読み」形式)
$ ./script/convert_japanese_dict.pl --prefix <出力ファイル名> [-d 辞書]...
-d は複数指定可能です。
--prefix で指定したファイル名に .segment, .postag, .morph という拡張子が追加されたファイルがそれぞれ生成されます。
$ ./script/japanese.analyze.pl --user-dict-prefix <ユーザーファイル名>
この場合も、--user-dict-prefix で指定したファイル名に .segment, .postag, .morph という拡張子が追加されたファイルがそれぞれ読み込まれます。
CRFSegmenter is an implementation of high-order CRF paired with utility programs that facilitate word segmentation and POS-tagging.
It also contains a morphological disambiguator (maximum-entropy-based).
- CMake (>= 2.6)
- g++, clang or Visual C++ with C++11 support
$ cmake
$ make
The executables will be generated in their directories (DataConverter, HighOrderCRF and MorphemeTagger).
All data must be encoded in UTF-8.
Training data should be separated with non-breaking spaces (\xa0), like:
今天[\xa0]天气[\xa0]很[\xa0]好 。[LF]
Input data for segmentations is a plain text, like:
Output data will be separated with spaces (\x20) and not non-breaking spaces (\xa0). The (ideal) result for the data above will be like:
今天 天气 很 好 。[LF]
A source dictionary file should be in tab-separated form, like:
The first column should contain words. You can add an arbitrary number of features in other columns, but the number of columns should be consistent throughout the file.
You have to convert source dictionary files into the binary format to be used by the program as follows:
./Dictionary/DictionaryMain -o <output dictionary> < <source dictionary>
cat <input file> | ./scripts/sentence_splitter.pl | ./DataConverter/DataConverterMain --segment [--dict <dictionary file] > <temporary file>
./HighOrderCRF/HighOrderCRFMain --train <temporary file> --model <model file> --c1 <L1 regularization coefficient> --c2 <L2 regularization coefficient>
If you omit both --c1
and c2
, L1 regularization coefficient will be set to 0.05 and L2 regularization coefficient will be set to 0.
cat <input file> | ./scripts/sentence_splitter.pl [--ignore-latin] | ./DataConverter/DataConverterMain --segment [--dict <dictionary file>] | ./HighOrderCRF/HighOrderCRFMain --tag --model <model file> | ./scripts/sentence_joiner.pl
If you use --ignore-latin option, the result will never be split between latin characters, which is often the desired behavior when processing CJK texts.
Each line of training data should be a word and its POS-tag (tab-separated). Sentences should be separated with an empty line.
Training Data will look like:
Input data for POS-tagging only contains one word in each line.
Output data format is the same as that of training data.
The dictionary file should list words and their possible tags, like in the following example:
"Possible tags" means the tags with which the word is tagged. In the above example, the word "time" will always be tagged with NN or VB and never with NNS or VBS.
You have to convert source dictionary files into the binary format to be used by the program as follows:
./Dictionary/DictionaryMain -o <output dictionary> < <source dictionary>
cat <input file> | ./DataConverter/DataConverterMain --tag [--dict <dictionary file] > <temporary file>
./HighOrderCRF/HighOrderCRFMain --train <temporary file> --model <model file> --c1 <L1 regularization coefficient> --c2 <L2 regularization coefficient>
If you omit both --c1
and c2
, L1 regularization coefficient will be set to 0.05 and L2 regularization coefficient will be set to 0.
cat <input file> | ./DataConverter/DataConverterMain --tag [--dict <dictionary file] | ./HighOrderCRF/HighOrderCRFMain --tag --model <model file>
Input data should follow the following format:
<Sentence 1 line 1>[LF]
<Sentence 1 line 2>[LF]
<Sentence 1 line k>[LF]
<Sentence 2 line 1>[LF]
<Sentence 2 line 2>[LF]
<Sentence 2 line l>[LF]
<Sentence n line 1>[LF]
<Sentence n line 2>[LF]
<Sentence n line m>[LF]
Each line of input data should follow the following format:
<Original text>[TAB]<Possible labels>[TAB]<Correct label>[TAB]<Feature 1 label length:Feature 1 string>[TAB]<Feature 2 label length:Feature 2 string>...[LF]
<Original text>
field is not used in tagging.
Below are some example data.
time VB,NN NN 1:* 1:W+0/time 1:W+0/time_flies 1:C+1/t 1:C+2/ti 1:C-1/e 1:C-2/me 1:T+1/LATIN 1:T+2/LATIN_LATIN 1:T-1/LATIN 1:T-2/LATIN_LATIN 1:D-NN 1:D-VB
flies VBS,NNS VBS 1:* 2:* 1:W-1/time 2:W-1/time 1:W-1/time_flies 2:W-1/time_flies 1:W+0/flies 1:W+0/flies_like 1:C+1/f 1:C+2/fl 1:C-1/s 1:C-2/es 1:T+1/LATIN 1:T+2/LATIN_LATIN 1:T-1/LATIN 1:T-2/LATIN_LATIN 1:D-NNS 1:D-VBS
like VB,IN IN 1:* 2:* 1:W-2/time_flies 2:W-2/time_flies 3:W-2/time_flies 1:W-1/flies 2:W-1/flies 1:W-1/flies_like 2:W-1/flies_like 1:W+0/like 1:W+0/like_an 1:C+1/l 1:C+2/li 1:C-1/e 1:C-2/ke 1:T+1/LATIN 1:T+2/LATIN_LATIN 1:T-1/LATIN 1:T-2/LATIN_LATIN 1:D-IN 1:D-VB
an DT DT 1:* 2:* 1:W-2/flies_like 2:W-2/flies_like 3:W-2/flies_like 1:W-1/like 2:W-1/like 1:W-1/like_an 2:W-1/like_an 1:W+0/an 1:W+0/an_arrow 1:C+1/a 1:C+2/an 1:C-1/n 1:C-2/an 1:T+1/LATIN 1:T+2/LATIN_LATIN 1:T-1/LATIN 1:T-2/LATIN_LATIN 1:D-DT
arrow NN * 1:* 2:* 1:W-2/like_an 2:W-2/like_an 3:W-2/like_an 1:W-1/an 2:W-1/an 1:W-1/an_arrow 2:W-1/an_arrow 1:W+0/arrow 1:W+0/arrow_. 1:C+1/a 1:C+2/ar 1:C-1/w 1:C-2/ow 1:T+1/LATIN 1:T+2/LATIN_LATIN 1:T-1/LATIN 1:T-2/LATIN_LATIN 1:D-NN
. . . 1:* 2:* 1:W-2/an_arrow 2:W-2/an_arrow 3:W-2/an_arrow 1:W-1/arrow 2:W-1/arrow 1:W-1/arrow_. 2:W-1/arrow_. 1:W+0/. 1:C+1/. 1:C-1/. 1:T+1/COMMON 1:T-1/COMMON 1:D-.
Each line of output data will be in the following format:
<Original text>[TAB]<Inferred label>
./HighOrderCRF/HighOrderCRFMain --train <training data> --model <model output file> --c1 <L1 regularization coefficient> --c2 <L2 regularization coefficient>
If you omit both --c1
and c2
, L1 regularization coefficient will be set to 0.05 and L2 regularization coefficient will be set to 0.
cat <input file> | ./HighOrderCRF/HighOrderCRFMain --tag --model <model file>