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Easily run a Stacks node in Kypton mode with a Bitcoind regtest instance

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Stacks Regtest Environment

Easily run a Stacks node in Kypton mode with a Bitcoind regtest instance

Self-contained Stacks 3.0 image

This repo uses Docker Compose to orchestrate multiple images and run a fully working Nakamoto Stacks environment. This includes:

  • A Bitcoin regtest node
  • A Stacks miner node
  • 3 Stacks signers
  • Scripts for monitoring and auto-stacking

Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed and running on your machine, then run:


This will output the logs from each service. You can view the logs for a single service with:

docker-compose logs $service_name

Add -f to automatically follow new logs. The service names can be found in ./docker-compose.yml, such as stacks-node, signer-0, and monitor.

Self-contained Stacks 2.1 image

This repo publishes a Docker image that contains a Stacks 2.1 node running in Krypton mode (local testnet). It bundles a bitcoind regtest instance and an auto-mining script.

The image can be ran as a drop-in replacement for a Stacks node running in mocknet mode, but with the benefits of full burnchain and miner capabilities such as:

  • PoX reward slot registration and payout events
  • Mempool events
  • Microblock events

Usage examples

Run a Stacks node, mining blocks on a 2.5 second interval, with the RPC port 20443 exposed (https://localhost:20443/v2/info):

docker run -p "20443:20443" -e "MINE_INTERVAL=2.5s" hirosystems/stacks-api-e2e

An event observer can be registered using the STACKS_EVENT_OBSERVER environnment variable. For example, assuming the observer is running on the host machine on port 3700:

docker run -p "20443:20443" -e "MINE_INTERVAL=2.5s" -e "STACKS_EVENT_OBSERVER=host.docker.internal:3700" hirosystems/stacks-api-e2e

A Stacks 2.1 coinbase-alt-recipient reward address can be configured using the REWARD_RECIPIENT environment variable. This configures the Stacks node [miner.block_reward_recipient] toml config value. If not specified, regular coinbase transactions will be mined. Note that the address will receive STX rewards 100 blocks after Epoch 2.1 is activated. Usage example:

docker run -p "20443:20443" -e "REWARD_RECIPIENT=STQM73RQC4EX0A07KWG1J5ECZJYBZS4SJ4ERC6WN" hirosystems/stacks-api-e2e

In addition, the image has several tags providing different Stacks bootstrapping sequence configs:

  • The default tag latest starts directly in epoche 2.1 with PoX-2 activated
  • Tag stacks2.1-transition starts in epoche 2.0, then transitions to epoche 2.1 after ~15 blocks, then activates PoX-2 after another ~15 blocks

It's possible to build images with custom bootstrapping sequences by specifying the build args:

  • STACKS_21_HEIGHT - the burnblock height at which epoch 2.1 is activated
  • STACKS_POX2_HEIGHT - the burnblock height at which PoX-2 is activated

Note that the first Stacks block will be mined at burnblock height 104. So, for example, if you want epoch 2.1 to activate at Stacks block 10, and PoX-2 at Stacks block 20, then specify STACKS_21_HEIGHT=114 and STACKS_POX2_HEIGHT=124:

# clone repo
git clone
cd stacks-regtest-env
# build
docker build -t my_image -f Dockerfile.e2e --build-arg "STACKS_21_HEIGHT=114" --build-arg "STACKS_POX2_HEIGHT=124" .
# run
docker run -p "20443:20443" -e "MINE_INTERVAL=5s" my_image

Run with Docker Compose

Clone this repo and change to its directory:

git clone
cd stacks-regtest-env

Run the command to start the network:

docker compose -f docker-compose-miner.yml -f docker-compose-follower.yml up --build -d

The initial 101 blocks on bitcoind (required to have any spendable tBTC in regtest) are mined immediately, after which Stacks blocks will be mined for every new bitcoin block.

The block mining interval defaults to 500ms. This can be configured with the MINE_INTERVAL environment variable, for example:

MINE_INTERVAL=2.5s docker compose -f docker-compose-miner.yml -f docker-compose-follower.yml up --build -d

The Stacks 2.1 coinbase-alt-recipient reward address can be configured using the REWARD_RECIPIENT environment variable. This configures the Stacks node [miner.block_reward_recipient] toml config value. If not specified, regular coinbase transactions will be mined. Note that the address will receive STX rewards 100 blocks after Epoch 2.1 is activated. Usage example:

REWARD_RECIPIENT=STQM73RQC4EX0A07KWG1J5ECZJYBZS4SJ4ERC6WN MINE_INTERVAL=2.5s docker compose -f docker-compose-miner.yml -f docker-compose-follower.yml up --build -d

The following services are created

Bitcoind node in regtest mode
  • JSON-RPC interface available at http://localhost:18443
  • RPC auth username and password are both btc
  • tBTC is available from the miner account:
    • Address: miEJtNKa3ASpA19v5ZhvbKTEieYjLpzCYT
    • Private key: 9e446f6b0c6a96cf2190e54bcd5a8569c3e386f091605499464389b8d4e0bfc201
    • Private key (WIF format): cStMQXkK5yTFGP3KbNXYQ3sJf2qwQiKrZwR9QJnksp32eKzef1za
Mining script that automatically triggers bitcoind to mine new Bitcoin blocks
  • Block mining interval defaults to 500ms, configure using the MINE_INTERVAL environment variable
Stacks-node in kypton mode (i.e. a regtest-like local testnet)
Stacks API instance
PostgreSQL database required by the Stacks API
  • PG port is available at 5490
  • Both username and password are postgres
  • Database name: stacks_blockchain_api

Note: The chainstate is reset every time docker compose up is run.


docker compose -f docker-compose-miner.yml -f docker-compose-follower.yml down --volumes --remove-orphans --timeout=1 --rmi=all


Easily run a Stacks node in Kypton mode with a Bitcoind regtest instance


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