Pytorch implementation of SNAS (Caution : This is not official version and was not written by the author of the paper)
Python >= 3.6.5, PyTorch == 0.1
Cifar-10 datasets were used, (5000 for training / 5000 for validation).
Note that the authors of the paper used 25000 images for training and validation set, respectively.
Overall, I followed hyperparameters that were given in the paper.
However, there are several parameters that were not given in the paper.
Ex) Softmax Temperature ($ \lambda_{0} $) , annealiation rate of the softmax temperature, parameters regarding the levels of resource constraints
Specifically, I found that search validation accuracy is highly influenced by initial softmax temperature (See Figure 1 for detail)
python (can adjust hyperparameters in option/ (WITHOUT resource constraint)
python (WITH resource contraint)
Figure1 : Search Validation Accuracy with different initial softmax temperature
(Note : the model was not fully trained(<==>converged) due to the limited resources (E.g., GPU and TIME!!)Figure2 : Network Architecture of normal cell (left) and reduction cell (right)
Since SNAS follows training settings of DARTS, I reused the official pytorch codes of DARTS as a basic framework of this work.