The demo uses Linode (referral) and Vultr (referral) to set up a private and secure multi-cloud network between 6 servers (3 on each cloud provider) using WireGuard.
This demo illustrates how you may set up WireGuard to create a private and secure multi-cloud network. An accompanying article goes into details of this setup:
Please note that this demo and the article only outline the process of automating the setup process of WireGuard. Neither this demo nor the article is a comprehensive server and/or network hardening guide. We recommend you follow all the usual best practices and use this as a tutorial for only automating the WireGuard setup.
# First, Terraform stuff...
cd terraform
# Initialize Terraform
terraform init
# Create .env
cp env-sample.txt .env
nano .env # Provide values for LINODE_TOKEN, VULTR_API_KEY, TF_VAR_root_password
# Apply Terraform: create 3 servers on Linode and 3 servers on Vultr, and a
# hosts.yml (Ansible inventory) file for Ansible to use in the next step.
dotenv run terraform apply
# Then, Ansible stuff...
cd ../ansible
# Run Ansible Playbook: install WireGuard, generate keys, set up WireGuard
# using Systemd Network.
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i ../terraform/hosts.yml wireguard.yml