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Anti-Money Laundering Supervision


PATH Supported Methods Description
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:safeId POST Submits an application for supervision
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/update POST Submits an updated application for supervision
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/variation POST Submits a variation to current supervision details
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/renewal POST Submits an application to renew supervision
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/renewalAmendment POST Submits an amendment of a supervision renewal
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/withdrawal POST Submits a withdrawal of a supervision
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/deregistration POST Submits a deregistration of a supervision
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/status GET Gets the current status of supervision
/subscription/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber GET Retrieves the currently held supervision details
/payment/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber GET Retrieves information on the last fee response for this supervision
/payment/:accountType/:ref/:amlsRegistrationNumber/:safeId POST Save a payment previously made through pay-api
/payment/:accountType/:ref/payref/:paymentReference GET Retrieve the latest payment made given the payment reference
/payment/:accountType/:ref/amlsref/:amlsRegistrationNumber GET Retrieve the latest payment made given the AMLS registration number
/payment/:accountType/:ref/refreshstatus PUT Refreshes the status of a payment, given an amls reference in the body
/payment/:accountType/:ref/:paymentReference/bacs PUT Updates the BACS status of a payment (see below)
/payment/:accountType/:ref/:paymentReference/bacs POST Creates a new BACS payment (see below)
/payment/:accountType/:ref/:paymentReference/bacs POST Creates a new BACS payment (see below)
/payment/:accountType/:ref/:paymentReference/bacs POST Creates a new BACS payment (see below)

Retrieving a payment

Whether you retrieve a payment given the payment reference or an AMLS reference number, a payment will be returned with the following fields:

Name Description Optional
_id The payment id
amlsRefNo The AMLS registration number that created the payment
reference The payment reference
amountInPence The payment amount in pence
status The current payment status. One of Created, Successful, Sent, Failed or Cancelled
createdAt The date/time the payment was created
isBacs Whether or not the payment is intended as a BACS payment yes
updatedAt The date/time this record was last modified yes

Refreshing the status of a payment

To refresh the payment status, send a PUT request to /payment/:accountType/:ref/refreshstatus with the payment reference in the following JSON format:

    "paymentReference": "X000000000000123"

Updating payment BACS status

To update the BACS status of a given payment, contact /payment/:accountType/:ref/:paymentReference/bacs as a PUT request with the following JSON payload:

  "isBacs": true|false

Creating a new BACS payment

This endpoints creates a new payment in the database which is already configured to be BACS. This is a POST to /payment/:accountType/:ref/:paymentReference/bacs with the following JSON data:

    "amlsReference": "X000000000000123",
    "paymentReference": "X000000000000456",
    "safeId": "X000000000000456",
    "amountInPence": 10000