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EORI Common Component

This provides backend services for the ECC (EORI Common Component) frontend services.

Other related ECC services:


This service is written in Scala and Play, and requires Java 11 JRE to run.

To develop or run service locally you'll also need:

Service Manager Commands

What's running?

sm2 -s

Start the required development services (make sure your service-manager-config folder is up to date)


Stop all ECC related services


Running locally

When running locally a Mongo instance is needed, this can be started using Docker

docker run --name local-mongo -d -p 27017:27017 mongo

To run EORI Common Component Registration Frontend using default port number

sbt run


Before debugging locally you will need to stop the Service Manager-started eori-common-component service


Then start your local debugging session on the expected port

sbt -jvm-debug 9999 run

And finally connect and set-up debugger; Intellij set-up example

Debbuger Setup


We're using ScalaTest for Unit and Integration tests.

You can run unit test suite with

sbt test

To run integration test suit execute

sbt it/test

To run all test suites together with Scoverage and ScalaFMT code formatting execute script


We're using Scoverage to check the code coverage of our test suites.

You can run this on the command line with

sbt clean coverage test it/test coverageReport

Adjust the following in build.sbt to configure Scoverage

ScoverageKeys.coverageMinimum := 80,
ScoverageKeys.coverageFailOnMinimum := false,

Architecture and Flows

High level journey diagram with APIs involved is documented in Confluence.

Different journeys and scenarios can be triggered using documented scenarios.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.