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James Hodson edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 1 revision

How to work with the stale-news repository

GIT and GITHUB workflow

Section 1 (General Setup)

After creating a fork from the original Github (stale-news) on your own Github account:

Copy clone url from your fork on GitHub, open Terminal, go to your code folder and clone the GitHub repository into your local folder:

git clone<user>/stale-news.git

Go to cloned project folder (e.g. stale-news) and:

git remote add upstream
git remote -v

Tell git to ignore files that your IDE or editor writes automatically to project folders:

open .gitignore file and add the folder and file names that should get ignored, then save file.

Section 2 (Daily Routine)

ALWAYS when you start to work:

Make sure that you are in master branch and fetch upstream to get latest updates from hodsonjames/stale-news GitHub:

git checkout master
git fetch upstream

Check what has changed:

git branch -va

Merge updates from upstream master into local git (original, without branch):

git checkout master
git merge upstream/master

Push updates from master (not branch!!!) to your GitHub fork: Make sure you are on the master:

git checkout master

Then push updates

git push

Check if now upstream master and local original git are the same

git branch -va

If you have a branch that you are working on and want to get the updates from master into your branch:

git checkout <branch_name>
git rebase master

Section 3 (Create new Branch for your work)

How to create a new branch to do your work:

Make sure you are on the master:

git checkout master

Create the new branch:

git branch <branch_name>

Now change view to <branch_name>:

git checkout <branch_name>

Section 4 (Work on your new branch)

Work on your new branch:

Make sure you are in the correct branch:

git checkout <branch_name>

ALWAYS repeat steps from Section 2 first, to make sure that master is up to date!

Then rebase master, which updates the changes from original git to branch git, so you have everything up to date:

git rebase master

Section 5 (push your final work and send pull request)

Add the file or folder you have created or changed to git (this you can do on a regular basis):

git add <my filename>

Reset add if you have added something accidentally:

git reset HEAD docs/.DS_Store

Commit everything you have added. This makes a collection of changes that is ready to be pushed:

git commit -m “my message”

Then push to send to GitHub:

git push --set-upstream origin <branch_name>

Once you have everything in your GitHub fork that you want to give to review for merging with hodsonjames/stale-news GitHub, send pull request:

Open your fork on GitHub, select the branch, and send a pull request

After your pull request has been reviewed and merged, delete the branch on your local git:

git checkout master
git branch -d <branch_name>

Then delete the branch from the remote to avoid clutter:

# Remove branch from remote
git push origin --delete <branch_name>

#In case any remote branches have been orphaned
git fetch --prune

Then list all local branches to check:

git branch -a

*Repeat Section 2 to bring master up-to-date. *

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