Scripts used in MDV project.
Most of these scripts were only used to generate commands, and we redirected those commands to a file and submitted (qsub) the file to our computer cluster.
©Hongen XU, Frishman Lab, TUM
We used chicken reference genome Galgal5. Genome sequece was downloaded from See for details.
The chicken dbSNP file was based on genome version Galgal4. So we need first liftover galgal4 coordinates to galgal5 ones.
Since UCSC does not have Galgal4 to Galgal5 chain file, we created own chain file following the guide at
We followed the guidance at to build custom SnpEff database from GTF file. See for details.
We followed the guidance at section Building a cache from a GTF or GFF file to build custom VEP database from GFF file. See for details.
Scripts were uesd to process original FASTQ files to final BAM files. The pipeline was designed following GATK best practice.
We used SomaticSeq to identify somatic SNVs and Indels because SomaticSeq placed #1 and #2 in INDEL and SNV in the Stage 5 of the ICGC-TCGA DREAM Somatic Mutation Calling Challenge.