🔭 I’m currently working on Google Reverse Search API
🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter App Framework
📫 How to reach me horse3903410@gmail.com
🌍 I'm based in Singapore
🔭 I’m currently working on Google Reverse Search API
🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter App Framework
📫 How to reach me horse3903410@gmail.com
🌍 I'm based in Singapore
Package to quickly train and deploy a YOLOv11 detection model to track the region of interest through target tracking for image processing
Python 2
Package for Youtube Music metadata, downloading and attaching metadata into MP3 music files
Simulation of the Fastest Descent Problem and Optimisation through the Evolutionary Algorithm
C++ 1
Research Project to Approximate and Optimise Non Convex Functions using Machine Learning and Optimisation Algorithms
Research Project for Obstacle Detection and Avoidance on DJI Tello Drone based on Deep Learning Depth Estimation Models and Image Processing Algorithms
Forked from HCI-CTP/timetable-generator
Package to collect timetable information from aSc Timetable Generators and HCI Student Platforms, integrating through Google Calendar API with available customisation
Python 1