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0003 flatgeobuf

svchot edited this page Jan 13, 2025 · 1 revision

Data extract files should be in flatgeobuf format

Context and Problem Statement

When creating an FMTM project, we need a set of geometries to map. This has typically been called the 'data extract'.

Either the user can upload their own geometries in GeoJSON format, or download geometries from OSM via a call to raw-data-api.

The resulting data should be easily accessible on the backend for creation of a matching ODK Entities Dataset (used for the geometry selection in ODK), but also on the frontend for easy visualisation (ideally without an API call).

A cloud-native format is most appropriate here, to reduce calls to the API, and outsource to object storage like S3.

Considered Options

  • GeoJSON
  • Flatgeobuf
  • Geoparquet
  • PMTiles (or other vector tiles)

Decision Outcome

At the time of implementation (Dec 2023), flatgeobuf was selected as the best candidate. The frontend JS implementation is excellent.

  • GeoJSON is not cloud native / BBOX accessible via a HTTP RANGE request.
  • GeoParquet support on the frontend was lacking.
  • PMTile usage was still quite nascent. Since then this has been identified as another possible solution. However, creation would require additional libs to be bundled in FMTM, and vector tile styling can be a pain.

Flatgeobuf seems to be most applicable for this use case (a small amount of data).


  • Good, because it's a simple format with excellent support in GIS tools (OGR).
  • Good, no styling is required. It can be determined by the web library / renderer.
  • Good, has built in geospatial index and accepts BBOX-based HTTP RANGE requests.
  • Bad, because flatgeobuf does not support compression, so files are marginally larger.
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