If you want to use this, highly recommend forking it and change username/home directory, etc. I plan to write a detail guide soon
- Install nix from
- Clone the repo to home directory
- run
nix run "github:howarddo2208/nixfiles#homeConfigurations.{macos|linux}.activationPackage" --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
change uri to your repo. - Run
cd ~/nixfiles/dotfiles && stow -nvSt ~ *
to create symlink dotfiles, add-n
flag tostow
to view simulation before symlink. I won't manage configuration purely with Nix. sync scripts withstow -vSt ~ scripts
- first time config
- set default shell to
if you are on linux with bash defaultcommand -v zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells && chsh -s "$(command -v zsh)"
. reference. The default shell emulator maynot switch to zsh because it was hard-coded to bash, then you may want to tweak the setting, or install another shell emulator, I recommend wezterm - login to github + ssh for it:
gh auth login
- tmux: install plugin manager
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
thentmux source ~/.tmux.conf
->tmux attach
-><C-a> + I
- login into atuin + sync (command hisotry):
atuin login -u username
->atuin sync
- may need to install some lsp for neovim with
- setup wakapi tracker in
[settings] debug = false hidefilenames = false ignore = COMMIT_EDITMSG$ PULLREQ_EDITMSG$ MERGE_MSG$ TAG_EDITMSG$ api_url = https://wakapi.dev/api api_key = <api-key>
- set default shell to
- Each time changing the configs:
cd ~/nixfiles && home-manager switch --flake ".#{macos|linux}"
or aliashms
- ??? Profits ???
- set
for ytmdl
- repeating character in tmux on macOS: Installing tmux-256color for macOS (github.com)
- Neorg malfunction on macOS:
nix-shell -p gcc11
->which gcc
->CC=(gcc path) nvim -c TSInstallSync norg
require node, ripgrep, fd before using