This is a Python Software Development Kit (SDK) for HPE Nimble Storage arrays. The HPE Nimble Storage array has a Representational State Transfer (REST) web service application programming interface (API). The SDK implements a simple client library for communicating with the HPE Nimble Storage REST API. The Python Requests library is being used to communicate with the API over HTTPS.
The SDK provides a pythonic client library to interact with the HPE Nimble Storage REST API. The code abstracts the lower-level API calls into Python objects that you can easily incorporate into any automation or DevOps workflows. Use it to create, modify and delete most resources like volumes, volume collections, initiator groups and more, as well as perform other tasks like snapshotting, cloning, restoring data, etc.
See the documentation on how to install, use and some pre-cooked workflows for more elaborate examples.
$ pip install nimble-sdk
$ python
Python 3.7.7 (default, Mar 10 2020, 15:43:03)
[Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from nimbleclient import NimOSClient
>>> api = NimOSClient("", "admin", "admin")
>>> api.
api.access_control_records api.fibre_channel_sessions api.replication_partners
api.active_directory_memberships api.folders api.shelves
api.alarms api.groups api.snapshot_collections
api.application_categories api.initiator_groups api.snapshots
api.application_servers api.initiators api.software_versions
api.arrays api.space_domains
api.audit_log api.key_managers api.subnets
api.chap_users api.master_key api.tokens
api.controllers api.network_configs api.user_groups
api.disks api.network_interfaces api.user_policies api.performance_policies api.users
api.fibre_channel_configs api.pools api.versions
api.fibre_channel_initiator_aliases api.protection_schedules api.volume_collections
api.fibre_channel_interfaces api.protection_templates api.volumes
api.fibre_channel_ports api.protocol_endpoints api.witnesses
The HPE Nimble Storage SDK for Python supports NimbleOS 5.0 or later and requires a recent version of Requests along with Python 3.6 or newer.
HPE Nimble Storage SDK for Python is supported by HPE when used with HPE Nimble Storage arrays on valid support contracts. Please send an email to to get started with any issue you might need assistance with. Engage with your HPE representative for other means on how to get in touch with Nimble support directly.
Contributing guidelines are available in the official documentation.
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