A technical demonstration of HPKV's WebSocket-based API through a todo application. This showcase illustrates how WebSocket can be used as an efficient communication protocol for key-value store operations and how to build a simple and responsive, multi-user application using HPKV's WebSocket API.
Simplified Integration:
// One-time setup const ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${region}/ws?apiKey=${apiKey}`); // All operations use the same connection ws.send({ op: OP_GET, key: 'key1' }); ws.send({ op: OP_INSERT, key: 'key2', value: 'data' });
Real-time Key Monitoring (Pub-Sub):
// Generate a monitoring token for multiple keys const token = await fetch(`https://${region}/token/websocket`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'x-api-key': apiKey, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ subscribeKeys: ['todos-20240305', 'todos-20240306'] }) }).then(res => res.json()).then(data => data.token); // Connect monitoring WebSocket const monitorWs = new WebSocket(`wss://${region}/ws?token=${token}`); // Handle notifications monitorWs.onmessage = (event) => { const notification = JSON.parse(event.data); if (notification.type === 'notification') { // Process the complete todo list update const todos = JSON.parse(notification.value); updateUI(todos); } };
Reduced Code Complexity: Without WebSocket, applications need to handle:
- New HTTP connection for each operation
- API key in headers for each request
- Connection error handling for each request
- Request timeout management
- Response status code handling
Built-in Connection Management:
ws.onclose = () => { authScreen.classList.remove('hidden'); todoScreen.classList.add('hidden'); alert('WebSocket connection closed. Please reconnect.'); }; ws.onerror = (error) => { console.error('WebSocket error:', error); alert('Failed to connect. Please check your API key and try again.'); };
Lower Latency:
- No TCP handshake per operation
- No HTTP header overhead
- Reduced network round trips
Efficient for High-Frequency Operations:
// Single operation for the entire todo list const todos = [...existingTodos, newTodo]; sendMessage(OP_INSERT, `todos-${activeDate}`, JSON.stringify(todos));
// Operation codes
const OP_GET = 1;
const OP_INSERT = 2;
const OP_UPDATE = 3;
const OP_DELETE = 4;
// Message structure
op: OP_CODE, // Required: Operation to perform
key: string, // Required: Key to operate on
value?: string, // Required for INSERT/UPDATE, ignored for GET/DELETE
timestamp?: number, // Optional
messageId?: number // Optional: For response tracking and deduplication
// Set up WebSocket monitoring for all visible days
// Handle updates via pub-sub
monitorWs.onmessage = (event) => {
const notification = JSON.parse(event.data);
if (notification.type === 'notification') {
const { key, value } = notification;
// Update the UI if this is the active day
if (key === `todos-${activeDate}`) {
// Cache the updated value
todoCache.set(key, value);
Simplified Development:
- Single connection setup
- Consistent message format
- Simple error handling
- Automatic message ID tracking
Better Performance:
- Lower latency operations
- Reduced bandwidth usage
- Efficient for frequent operations
- Single key per day reduces key space
: Application structurestyles.css
: UI stylingapp.js
: WebSocket implementation example
While WebSocket is typically known for bidirectional communication, HPKV's implementation offers two patterns:
RPC Pattern (Command WebSocket):
- All updates are client-initiated
- Used for standard CRUD operations (GET, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
- Returns response for each operation
Pub-Sub Pattern (Monitoring WebSocket):
- Real-time key change notifications
- Server pushes updates when monitored keys change
- Efficient for detecting changes without polling
- Monitors all visible days simultaneously
The todo application demonstrates these patterns:
Data Structure:
// Each day's todos are stored as a single key with an array value: todos-2024-03-05: [ { id: "todo_1708291200000_123", text: "Buy groceries", priority: "high", status: "not set", created: 1708291200000 }, { id: "todo_1708291245000_456", text: "Call dentist", priority: "low", status: "done", created: 1708291245000 } ]
State Management:
- Client maintains a local cache of todos by day
- Uses WebSocket pub-sub to monitor all visible days in real-time
- When a day's todo list changes, receives the complete updated list
- Updates local state and UI immediately upon receiving notification
Operations Flow:
LoadingsequenceDiagram participant C as Client participant WS as WebSocket participant MWS as Monitor WebSocket participant HPKV as HPKV %% Setup monitoring Note over C,HPKV: Setup Key Monitoring C->>HPKV: POST /token/websocket (subscribe to all visible days) HPKV-->>C: token C->>MWS: Connect with token MWS-->>C: Connection established %% Adding new todo Note over C,HPKV: Adding New Todo C->>WS: GET todos-2024-03-05 WS->>HPKV: Get todos HPKV-->>WS: [existing todos] WS-->>C: [existing todos] C->>WS: INSERT todos-2024-03-05 ([...existing, newTodo]) WS->>HPKV: Insert updated array HPKV-->>WS: Success WS-->>C: Success %% Real-time updates via monitoring Note over C,HPKV: Real-time Updates HPKV->>MWS: Notification: todos-2024-03-05 updated MWS->>C: Notification with complete todo list C-->C: Update UI with new data