A terminal emulator using the Fyne toolkit, supports Linux, macOS, Windows and BSD.
Running on Linux with a custom zsh theme.
Running on macOS with a powerlevel10k zsh theme and classic style.
Running on Windows with PowerShell running inside.
Just use the go get command (you'll need a Go and C compiler installed first):
go install github.com/fyne-io/terminal/cmd/fyneterm@latest
To get the app installed alongside your other applications (with metadata, icons etc),
use the fyne
tool, as illustrated below:
$ go get fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne
$ fyne get github.com/fyne-io/terminal/cmd/fyneterm
There are lots of great things that could be added to this app. Already planned is:
- Tabs
- Scroll-back
- Background and font/size customisation
- Split panels
You can also use this project as a library to create your own terminal based applications, using the import path "github.com/fyne-io/terminal".
There are two modes, using the default shell or connecting to a remote shell.
To load a terminal widget and launch the current shell (works on macOS and Linux;
on Windows, it always uses PowerShell) use the RunLocalShell
method after creating
a Terminal
, as follows:
// run new terminal and close app on terminal exit.
t := terminal.New()
go func() {
_ = t.RunLocalShell()
log.Printf("Terminal's shell exited with exit code: %d", t.ExitCode())
// w is a fyne.Window created to hold the content
For example to open a terminal to an SSH connection that you have created:
// session is an *ssh.Session from golang.org/x/crypto/ssh
in, _ := session.StdinPipe()
out, _ := session.StdoutPipe()
go session.Run("$SHELL || bash")
// run new terminal and close app on terminal exit.
t := terminal.New()
go func() {
_ = t.RunWithConnection(in, out)
// OPTIONAL: dynamically resize the terminal session
ch := make(chan terminal.Config)
go func() {
rows, cols := uint(0), uint(0)
for {
config := <-ch
if rows == config.Rows && cols == config.Columns {
rows, cols = config.Rows, config.Columns
session.WindowChange(int(rows), int(cols))
// w is a fyne.Window created to hold the content